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Everything posted by Gin

  1. We had him in our Countryside marquee for a time, with the hounds he was part of
  2. Its a good forecast for today, so should be a good day.
  3. You just wouldn't, would you. It was astonishing , he did that. How could anyone think that was funny. I don't think Danny Baker will work again.
  4. Farage was brilliant.
  5. Blanchland is always a good show, in a lovely place.
  6. This is the advert for last years show, but it had address and postcode etc for this years.
  7. One of the best rifles I used.
  8. That's quality work. Very nice. You could do just about every job with that one knife.
  9. Terrier and Lurcher show. Sunday 9th September 2018 Stanhope Show, Unthank Park, Stanhope, County Durham. DL13 2PQ Entries taken from 12 noon. Judging from 1pm. For more info, Contact 07966 516270 https://stanhopeshow.com/
  10. Cock of The North Finals followed by open show. Terriers and Lurchers. Wolsingham show, Sunday 2nd September, 2018. Wolsingham, Co Durham. DL13 3JG Tel for info 01388 537718 A great Country show, for a great day out.
  11. Gin


    I'd spoken to Alan on the phone. A very nice man. Very sad news,- thinking of his family just now. RIP.
  12. Sunday 17th June – Hound Terrier & lurcher Show and Gymkhana at Needless Hall Moor,Hartburn morpeth starting at 1pm Postcode NE61 4JF
  13. Gary Middleton Memorial Show, Sunday 17th June 2018, at Park House Farm, Heversham. LA7 7EB. Lurchers at 12.30pm and terriers at 1pm. £5 donation each, to go to Cancer care and Air ambulance. Ringside parking and food available. Contact Len 07834 474679
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