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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Bob Merrin used to be the net maker in our Countryside marquee, and also gave displays of setting his own made mole traps, to the public. He was one of the nicest blokes i ever met. If he sold nets, he gave the money to a charity. It was an honour to know him.
  2. Gin

    Telegraph,- Rspca

    I'm not seeing it in print
  3. Gin

    Telegraph,- Rspca

    Yes, but need to keep it in the publics mind
  4. Gin


    Yes they are for people on benefits. Remember this post is the RSPCA. Thanks
  5. Gin


    Best Wishes Pal
  6. Gin


    I only once had to use the PDSA and they were as good as any vet. Only asked for a donation
  7. Gin


    I support the PDSA
  8. Gin


    Asking for more donations today,- saying they are short of cash, on TV
  9. Gin

    Telegraph,- Rspca

    I don't care how old it is,- let more people see it. Cross post it if anyone can
  10. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/earth/countryside/9780817/Our-once-great-RSPCA-is-being-destroyed-by-a-militant-tendency.html
  11. Your also looking for a straight center line, from shank up through the hand piece. I hope this helps Kev.
  12. It looks like the glue has failed also Kev. What i do, is drill out the soft pith from the antler, right to the boney outer edge. I use electric insulating tape, and put some around the antler to keep the glue off. Mix some epoxy,- i find araldite best, and spread a thin layer of epoxy around the inside of the boney edge, and the rest of the araldite that i had mixed, i mix with horn filings or saw dust to a paste, and pack that into the hole. You can now either let that set , or you could push a wood dowel into it, and let it set fully. When set, drill into the center about 3 inches to take
  13. These were not english, and it sounded like a lot of them in the background.
  14. Gin

    Red Kites

    I'd say, thats more like it.
  15. This scam was on tv news, and seems a lot fell for it.
  16. Gin

    Red Kites

    I see what your getting at Kev, i'm just not so sure
  17. Gin

    Red Kites

    I don't think thats a shot, Kev
  18. Gin

    Red Kites

    There are plenty in the Chopwell woods area, and most of that area. Some also in the South East Northumberland area.
  19. Gin

    Red Kites

    I'd say sparrowhawk
  20. Gin

    Red Kites

  21. My friend nearly fell for it, till they started calling him friend, and then the " penny dropped ". I do know people who paid. Yet its so obviously a scam.
  22. I have just taken a phone call, saying they were from " Windows" systems, and informing me that my computer has downloaded some sort of virus,- and they will put it right, but it will cost me £130. I have had this call before. They said they were monitering my pc now, but i then said i don't have a pc now or a lap-top, and they just hung up. So just letting you all know, its still happening. Its a Nigerian gang. A big scam, so take care. Never give out your bank details over the phone to anyone.
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