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Everything posted by Gin

  1. The people got their information from the posts by Tonya and Andy
  2. Its Blackthorn from the root ( handle ) up
  3. More people are starting to see them for what they really are now. A money making group.
  4. http://i.ebayimg.com/00/s/MTE5NVgxNjAw/z/mh0AAOSw~OdVWjKP/$_35.JPG At 6.45pm, thats a large truck to be poaching with. I do now think part of a pack going home.
  5. How the hell could the police miss those. I'd say after stock.
  6. 2nd photo ,- tree lined is a lonnen. See Seghill lonnen http://www.northtyneside.gov.uk/browse-display.shtml?p_ID=538303&p_subjectCategory=23
  7. The police would learn a lot if they did read all this.
  8. The police are not stupid,- i'd like to know how much they know, or what they were told.
  9. The only information regarding all this, is what they put on,- no-one else was there when it happened. What other information could anyone give.
  10. I'd have no objection to the police speaking to me.
  11. No " ARMED " attack on a keeper that i could find out . ?
  12. The Countrymans Weekly article. The nail file is not hiding anything, its just a guide for the camera. !!
  13. What i can say, is, it does not add-up. So much is wrong with it.
  14. Andy Kelly post in the ferreting section. 6th January looking for a ferreting buddy for in the week to give me a hand on permission up in derwent. only stipulation by the landowner is the person must have personal insurance and no lurchers are allowed. if interested please drop me a pm as hope to be back out soon as the doctor gives me the ok ( me) I have to have personal insurance on the land i'm on,- incase of accident or injury. The farmer did not tell me to have personal insurance, incase i'm attacked. !!
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