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Everything posted by Gin

  1. Real nice dog pal,- good luck with her.
  2. Hi Longdogrunner,- good to see Bruce is getting on ok now after his leg injury.He seems a bloody good dog. It is a very sad result today, with Labour getting back in. Our local Labour MP, had his majority reduced heavily,- the shit-head. See you soon Longdogrunner.
  3. Gin


    Its a very sad day today, for hunting folk. I would have liked another London march, but not so quiet this time.
  4. Gin


    Well done, and good looking dogs
  5. Gin


    Thanks Leveller,- great film.
  6. Gin


    Real good post and pics Leveller,- i just brought a beagle pup over from Ireland, from hunt stock for a friend of mine, who wants to work one,- having worked a pack in his army days in Devon. Its a beauty of a pup, and the more i learn of Beagles the more i would like one,- but i don't have anymore room here with the dogs i have,- but someday. !
  7. Gin

    how long

    Thanks for the very good info,- but i should have perhaps said we gut the deer on the spot, then we hang it 24 hours then skin it, ( which is what i thought was meant in the question ) as we were instructed, then we hang it for about 4 days,- but it seems we were not correct, and will change it now. Thanks again.
  8. Gin


    Contact Kirkley Hall College, Northumberland for a full list of courses,- you would love it there. They are very good at finding you employment when you finish your course.
  9. Gin


    Try the Wear Valley Ferret Rescue,- Ferithaven@aol.com
  10. Real good post, and pics Leveller.
  11. I have just had the Countryside Alliance on the phone,- to tell me that the Government plan to use the Parliament Act next week, to get the hunting ban through. The Countryside Alliance have employed the best Barristers to fight this in the Courts, and the European Courts, but it is to be very expensive,- and are asking for donations, from members and also non-members to help pay for this. So anyone can help by making a donation to The Countryside Alliance, Finance Dept, 367 Kennington Road, London SE114PT This is the big one, so if you can help please do.
  12. Does anyone know anything of the Lovat's Scouts,- first world war regiment, or Company. Were they keepers or stalkers brought together as crack shots for snipers, and does anyone have a book etc, or name of book.
  13. Yes , we have as much ferreting and air-rifle shooting, of rabbits and vermin, if we help with the beating. We have also been passed onto another estate, for ferreting. All from offering to go beating.
  14. Hi Andy and Rob, The only time i tried to fish Tynemouth , it was not possible to get on, for the club members. Along from there , which i presume you have fished, is Blyth Pier, said to be the best Cod spot in England. Most people try and fish from the end, which is very dangerous anyway,- but if you fish sea side from the bend in the South Pier, you are fishing into a trough, which always gives up some good fish. Also from Blyth beach, about 50 yards down from the pier, 50 yards out is the same trough with a large hole. Further down to Seaton Sluice about 200 yards, opposite the car park
  15. Gin

    new to this site

    Thanks and good to get to know you all. Hello Vixen,- yes it is a good site.
  16. Gin

    new to this site

    Hello Andy. LDR will be trying out his new gun,- he has just bought an S410. Very nice gun indeed.
  17. Longdogrunner introduced me to this site,- and it is very good indeed,- so i am just saying hello to you all. I am into working my Lurcher, and Border Terrier to rabbits. I ferret. Air-rifle shooting. Fishing. Countryside Alliance member. CAN member. Countrysports action group member. Anything to do with countrysports really.
  18. Gin

    how long

    We dress them after 24 hours, then hang them for about 4 days.
  19. Good bag and photo Pat. Well done.
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