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Everything posted by Scousehunter

  1. This him just yesterday right as rain
  2. There was no marks on the collar mate proper weird and he has just been himself don't no worts gone on mate he was a brilliant dog aswell mate he was bringing on my jagd aswell gutterd
  3. I don't really no mate it can't ov been a fight cos he had no cuts but his collar had come off so I don't no am gutterd
  4. Just went out to feed the dogs and found Billy's dead am devastated this the best dog I ever had proper warrior rest in peace mate
  5. He has just started this season he is for earth ye he is keen am in north west
  6. Ye I walk him with my pat an lurcher
  7. He works to ground and it doesn't matter were you are he just goes eney way thanks
  8. I have jags terrier he is 17 months he is good on the job but soon as we're not working and I try and let him off the lead he just bolts and won't stop eney advice .
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