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noddy and big ears

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Everything posted by noddy and big ears

  1. yes it does , and you should change yours to BULLSHIT !!!!!!!!!
  2. i'm glad he sold the dog aswell , this guy was calling the dog a stud dog not that long ago ,then the next thing he does is sell it , where did he get it in the first place , free ads probably , look on his profile and you will see for yourself that he has been looking for a lurcher , i don't think he knows what he want's ,seems to me he is a total messer ...........and by the way Brummy is not a prick
  3. It says to pm for details it does say pm for details yes , well spotted pal , i've allready tried that and have not had a response
  4. how much you want ££££ ??????
  5. sjm , you talk of potential out of a pup ............all i can say is a pup from hancock is like a fecking robot , it just does what you point it at , no more and no less .........having said that there is hardly any prey drive within a hancocks dog and further more i would not like to attempt training one to work without the aid of another dog to show the hancocks the ropes , i speak from expierience , i have a hancocks lurcher at the moment , ..........so i for one support you one hundred percent in your quest to try and educate young folk who don't know the truth about hancock
  6. Who's noddy I've never had or shot a rapid 7 fac so can't give you an answer mate. Can anyone help hotdog? i think noddy is big mates with big ears Noddy Holder, perhaps? or Noddy and Big Ears ........hey that's me
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