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About Ratrider

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    Western Australia

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  1. Do you want your battery life in your NV gear to last longer.? Thinking about attaching an external battery? Check out the video. This particularly is suited for Pulsar gear.https://youtu.be/Uag2giD_LE4 Surprised the battery companies hadn't thought about it.
  2. Thinking about buying a Drone Pro. How did you connect the 201241054599 from ebay to Drone? Electrically I mean. cheers From Australia.
  3. If you have a CED M2 chrony and just go through the 9 volt batteries like water maybe this mod in the video can help you. https://youtu.be/exeY5Pbwgew
  4. Hi Guys, Bought a Ghillie outfit from Jack Pyke. Unbelievably effective. Local birds were driven insane trying to chase me away. They thought I was a monster. Using a Foxpro caller and armed with a Air Force PCP spitting out FPE I managed to bag a fox. It never saw me. Check it out. https://youtu.be/2kqJCb-hgNc
  5. Hi Guys, I'm not an expert on night vision but I've found a way to range find at night using a laser distance meter. It's not hard and can be very cheap. Keep in mind I'm using the laser distance meter as a way of gauging distance, not as an aiming device. It works for me. Check it out: https://youtu.be/mjD7b4zNjlg Enjoy.
  6. Hi Guys, Aussie guy here. Keen on air rifle hunting and using a .243 on foxes. Like to contribute and share what I've learnt hunting. Also like to pick up ideas from you all.
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