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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. Mine love tuna makes no difference if its in brine or spring water . Just squeeze as much of the excess spring water or brine out of the tin . Gives them a hell of shine to there coat .
  2. Will this rain ever stop , its doing my head !!

  3. Love a frosty morning theres just summit about them .
  4. Good read brimmer and the ferts are doing the biz . Like the stamp of the dog strong looking type . To be honest a lot of mine and me mates permission is sparse with rabbits so at minute were just bolting to the hawks . If they catch thats fine , if they miss there hopefully gonna be there for another day . Theres quite a difference in the way us ferreters opperate up and down the country . Keep up the good work brim
  5. Wish id been out rather than being stuck at work
  6. Apparently mayweather and pacman have allready agreed the purse , 55-45 in favour mayweather and pacman has agreed to the drug tests
  7. Freaks the lot of you
  8. Got to do your animals justice jig no point them sitting there doing feck all mate , you did the right thing
  9. Good post there sirious and steady bag . Done plenty big warrens over the the last few years and they can be time consuming . But if done correctly you can achieve good bags if the rabbits are there . Some people shy away from big warrens but must admit iv had sum cracking days on massive warrens . Done sum up hexham way were they must be years old and all inter linked nearly 500 plus holes , section by section you can get em moving , but you never get them all no matter how many ferrets .Keep the posts coming
  10. Been cold and frosty all week just how it should be , now the rain is back b*****d arrrrrrgh feckinhate rain

  11. Just North of Wooler, another ten minutes and I'd be flying a different location flag Welcome to the site Akeld , are you up by wooperton way by any chance ?
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