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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. Cracking fish there ff bet they gave a good scrap. FV
  2. Not sure on the law but instinct kicked in and you did what you thought was right and best for your animal. For me i think you made the right choice and i bet if god forbid you were put in that situation again you would not hesitate to do it again. ATB FV.
  3. Caught many brownie`s on the spinner gold mepp`s is the boy . Hooking a wild brownie on the fly is great fun even the little one`s feel bigger than what they are. Thing with fly fishing on river`s is you need too know your flie`s for each month, and they got to be presented correct if not fish ain`t even gonna bother looking at it. Little spider pattern`s work a treat on my local river. I`ve used the spinner some day`s and the trout will not even look because there feeding on emerger`s , you could flog away all day and not get out on the spinner when there feeding on a specific item. I know a
  4. Good wee pac you got there hope it goe`s well with the pup atb FV
  5. Look`s like the hunting addiction run`s in the family atb FV
  6. Thank`s for the reply`s lad`s it has been a help FV
  7. I have just been looking at my neighbour`s new air arm`s s410 .22 very nice was impressed with it. Something along those line`s would suit me fine FV
  8. Cheer`s for the replie`s woodchip atb FV
  9. Was`nt sure wether to get something new or go for a second hand one woodchip. Cheers FV
  10. What sort of price we talking about woodchip for second hand springer?
  11. Never liked ferreting in the summer stubby , main problem area is a railway line runs along a section of his land , the rabbits are on the railway side but come out on to the field`s shooting them would be alot easier.
  12. Not sure what the going rate is for air rifle`s .
  13. Between 200 and 300 i was thinkin andy or is that to little or to much ?
  14. Summer ferreting not for me but i can understand if it meant someone losing there permission. FV
  15. Evening all, i was wondering if anyone could help me with advice regarding air rifle`s .177,.22 to be specific. I was speaking with one of the farmer`s the other day with whom i have permission . I ferret alot of the land he has and he is well happy with the work i`ve done in keeping the rabbits in check. He has given me ongoing permission but realise`s that i cannot ferret through out the summer, so he said that if i wanted too i could do a bit shooting rabbit`s, pidgeon`s, crow`s that sort of thing . I told him that i did `nt have a gun or air rifle but with that offer he got me thinkin. Wit
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