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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. And another one bites the dust well done ,regards FV
  2. Great read there jon and a job well done, regards FV
  3. Spot on there bill calzaghe does`nt get the reconition he deserve`s quality boxer. FV
  4. OH FV i always thought you where a sensible sort of chap but with comments like that Andy i am and you will see tomorrow who`s the best ! What do you mean even IF we win f**k all...you ALWAYS win f**k all..and NEVER WILL win f**k all..cant wait till tomorrow marching down Leazes Lane and into Sid James Park.. CUMON YOU MACKEMS... CW the toon will kick your red and white arse`s all the way back down to the stadium of shite. Another derby day result for the toon can`t wait to see them mackem`s get a right old stuffing . FV
  5. DOC have done my ferrets no harm at all and i will continue to use them as they bloody love em atb FV
  6. The toon have had a shite season but we will allways be the top team in the north east even if we win f**k all FV
  7. Well then people of the north east who`s going to win on sunday? Me being a toon fan it has to be another win for king kev! FV
  8. Good to hear that mate , still some genuine folk about but they seem to be few and far between. Regards FV
  9. Did`nt know that rip , still whoever you did`nt meet today obviously ain`t worth ya time mate .
  10. Thats what happens with messers rip got an idea who you were waiting on :tongue4: should stick with who you can trust and rely upon. Seen conway lately rip?
  11. If calzaghe keeps his head and boxs he will win. Calzaghe has the ability to out box hopkins ,it`s wether his heart over rules his head. Hopkins will try all the tricks in the book to his advantage . Hopkins looks fit and well conditioned , but i think we might just see a different joe calzaghe , a calzaghe that has a point to prove to himself.. Regards FV
  12. Did`nt know you had any mates there rip i, think its a figment of your imagination :11: you ain`t been taking your tablets have you FV
  13. Ferrets love em and a bit feather cleans them out to,atb FV
  14. White spots on the liver could be mixy or at least the early stages of it. Regards FV
  15. Agree with watt`s , gun dealer told me exactly the same once the gun `s air drop`s below a certain level it self discharge`s atb FV
  16. Some good sport there wife regard`s FV
  17. Good to have a bit permission to go mooching and shooting on enyoy it! ATB FV
  18. Nice shot davy but not quite bang on middle more shooting practice required :11: atb FV
  19. Finally got out at the weekend there for a try of my air rifle ,busy zeroing in and doing a bit target practice as it`s year`s since i even fired an air rifle . But hopefully i should be ready to do some hunting very soon and take a few pic`s and post them on here . Happy hunting regard`s FV
  20. Look`s a strong bitch you got there keg atb FV
  21. Very nice looking dog you got there ,regard`s FV
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