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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. ferretville

    New Look

    Its shit feel like stevie feckin wonder change it back
  2. Bring back the lads and lasses not just ours but all the other countrys serving there. Theres other ways to make them suffer . Asolutely no involvement with them ie aid ,food,money ,medicine anything you name give them feck all . If every country did this and stopped trading with those that aided them it would hit them hard. Every country in the world relies on another to sum degree wether it be gas ,oil, rice, coal, other essentials a country cannot survive without trading with others .
  3. Great news zini time to pack in the day job its gonna take you forever to put a dint it that lol
  4. I use 6z and they work well for me 10z should work aswell but probably more suited to fox just my opinion , cheers FV
  5. Tosser should of locked him up for longer
  6. Dam shame that especially when she was fit and ready to be released. Did defra and the rspca think it was just any old fecker who was looking after her no it was someone who new what he was doing . Fecking ejits :realmad:
  7. Get out and about plenty of farms to knock at .
  8. Consistency is what liverpool are all about and there well off the mark this term. Thought last season was the strongest they had been for years . They even broke the mental barrier of being in front at xmas and beating the man utds and chelseas only to drop points against the lesser teams. Think alonso is a massive blow to them and rafa was to quick to get rid of robbie keane. Think someone like defoe would of been a great partner with torres and gerrard in the hole or benyioun. Defencesively there at sixs and sevens conceding goals galore and that ain`t liverpool. But looking at there squad
  9. Haye needs to pop the shots off and move and make valuev come to him . Haye should be far to mobile for valuev but if he thinks he can stand there and trade punches with that giant it will be lights out.
  10. Reckon those snapper would be good sport . What they like for eating shaun ?
  11. Thats a real shame whin bloody cracking ferret she was probably the best i seen work . She was a rare stamp worth her wait in gold 100 times over .
  12. Cheers lads the season is in full swing now lots to go at think im back out sunday
  13. Done sets on hill sides and embankments facing into the wind and they were very reluctant to bolt . Seen it windy and set on flat ground with wind whipping over the top and they`ve bolted . Of all the winds i would say a cold easterly definatly causes havoc rabbits seem to go deeper and deeper into there sets and just don`t want o bolt . Ferreted on really cold days with easterlys blowing and sleat and snow blowing and feck they would not move alot of diggin on those days atb FV .
  14. A friend of mine rang me on wednesday asking if i could help him out with some ferreting along with another mate. Well hard one that mmmmm bloody right i will lol. Arrived at the permission about a hours drive from our place 8 am . Me mate popped in to see the farmer and returned with a quad and trailer . I liked this farm you get free transport lol . We allways do the sets directly behind the farmers house well you got to ain`t ya, farmer don`t like seeing the little buggers running down into his wifes little garden. Out with the quick set straight around it and 2 jills in and bang the a
  15. Well done you got to start somewhere and you christened it
  16. Not bad for havin a bad heed fraggle
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