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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. Khan will beat mallanaggi he`s definatley improved under freddie roach tighter defence and more punch combinations. As for the pac man and mayweather well that would be interesting to say the least. I dont think theres another boxer out there that throws punch combinations like pac man and he hits aswell. Think with mayweather is he is so hard to hit he has a great defence but technacally he is a very good boxer and mover . Certainly not as hard hitting as pac man but very shrewd and patient. I hope they can get this fight on as i reckon it would be a belter
  2. Good write up davy and the nv looks handy
  3. Was there last year good show and fine weather and decent beer tent ha ah
  4. Both good guns mate try shouldering both or even better firing them. I`ve got a 100 and i don`t think i have come across a quieter gun . Daystate after sales are good but when i had a bit bother with my 100 weirhauch were good
  5. Nice pick up festa you must be getting paid well
  6. Stunning countryside in northumberland and its a fair old walk
  7. Spent 9 months in a big touring caravan after i was flooded out of my house.Top notch caravan shower,heating everything you need. There was me wor lass the dog and bloody parrot in there. I think there suitable for short periods of time but nothing long term. My head was done in after a few months was ok in the summer months but once the cold nights kicked in freezing the pipes well that just put me off them for life . Still got mine putting her up for sale as the caravaners and campers will be starting there season soon . Stick with the house there much better.
  8. Good show from the old fella young tossers
  9. Job well done rolfe and good sized rabbits
  10. THe day the empire started to deminish is the day britain started its fall and demise . Granted back through the years we came we saw we conquered but history repeats itself somewere along the lines. Some will argue we are reaping what we sowed others will say it is a back lash against those in power and strenghth. ALL powers need another supporter or allie (excuse the spelling) to coherse with there ideas or plans. But through time and history it is a repition of itself. Some say the weak ownly get weaker and the strong get stronger true but at a price. History will repeat its
  11. Enjoyed that write up and pics lads . This time of year usually gives the old spade a bit more work
  12. A little dry here and there do them no harm but meat and feather is what you want them on. Dry they drink twice as much given the kidneys more work to do . FV
  13. Been into see the old warrior and he seemed much better today still unable to talk though. On liquids at the moment eventually upping it to a puree . They`ve also reintroduced his diabetic tablets at a reduced level mind you . The old bugger had a few tears but got a laugh out of him in the end which was great . Hope he can just keep on getting better but its gonna be a slow process. Thanks again for the kind words atb FV
  14. Cheers lads he is quite distressed and upset understanable really still alot more tests to be done. Popping in to see him tomorrow will keep ya updated many thanks for the kind words much appreciated FV
  15. Netfull thats a pity you never met them mate good luck with your search atb FV
  16. Shooting with the air rifle and a spot of fishing
  17. Cheers lads doctors busy doing more teset and brain scans so fingers crossed
  18. Hey snoopy how do you rate the huntsman a gun i`ve allways liked the look of
  19. Had a couple of black uns and if chance arose again to dispatch 1 it would be done
  20. Just found out my grandad has had another stroke this must be the 7th in the last 2 years and each time it takes abit more from the old warhorse. This time it has taken all of his speech and the poor bugger can`t even swallow which has got the docs worried. Having to feed him via tubes and tubes of fluid and so on its a sad sight to see a man who was so strong reduced to this. He can barely see and his hearing has gone and yet he still fights on what a soldier . Before this stoke he did struggle to talk but in his mind knew what he wanted to say but just could`nt get it out. He`s a shadow of
  21. Static shooting off the bi-pod might be more comfy jasper . The r10 are a nice balanced gun but never fired 1. Looking forward to the better weather to get out with the guns again summer shooting sounds good . I like my 410 for its weight just right . The HW is gonna get a good outing this year atb FV
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