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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. Yeah stealthy bud seen sum scounts from man u and chelsea the other day seemed very keen
  2. Thieving feckers give em sum lead i say
  3. Strange mate scopes are a bugger slightest knock could possibly of moved of centre. But im doubting you knocked them possibly wind or slight pull . Better luck next time bud
  4. Cheers lads it is a nice place to shoot with a mixture of paddocks, sheep field, old orchard come garden and plenty rabbits
  5. Thought i would go back to the same permission today and try my luck again. Now my sniping spotoday was shall we say a bit diferent . I was behind the horse shed standing on a fence that runs next to the shed . And aresting on top of the shed with quit a view . Large connifers surround the back of the shed so this gave me added cover . Heres the shed in the corner and the little horse paddock with a nice killing zone. Now after scanning the paddock and waiting for a bit i was getting the impression that bugsy was`nt with the script the day . Just when i was going to climb down
  6. Had to get a new cylinder from germany on my 100 bugger kept on leaking. My mate only ever usedto have .22 now he only uses .177 funny how people come round. Happy shooting bud
  7. We all get those days mate sometimes the old adrenaline kicks in or you pull it or breathe hard just as your about to pull the trigger. Taketherough with the smooth asthey say
  8. Cracking read jedi and good mixed bag. Whatsup with the hw100 ? I love shooting .177 but got a 100 myself in .22 great guns
  9. Separate shots bud wish i was that good to crack 7 out in 1 shot Cheers lads if this weather stays like this i will be straight back out FV
  10. Perserverance bud remember that
  11. My neighbour down the street had 1 that looked like those was chewing its tail off and going mental asked if i could do anything . Sure can went home got the airrifle and put it out of its misery
  12. Congrats on the contract bud keep at them
  13. Good bag alex espsecially with this wind of late
  14. Seen as im on holiday i know allright for sum aye. I thought a spot of bunny bashing was in order. Weather was good bit breeze and cloud cover with the sun popping out every now and again. Arrived at my permission around about 11.45 and after checking the zero on the AAs 410 and bang on i was ready . I was at the horsepaddock the day and decided that my sniping point would be behind the shit pile they were`nt gonna see me and sure as hell ain`t gonna smell me . Got to say it was a slow start but after about 40 minutes the first of the day showed. Must of been between 30 and 35 ya
  15. Got to say not worth the tenner entry fee at all . More food, sweetstalls, than game and the game stalls were shit that were there. And what was the crack with the dog rings being 5 miles apart and yes they were rigged too. Shall not be visting that one in a hurry .
  16. Persistance paid off in the end bud well done
  17. Surprising andy as allendale is alive was up there before xmas ferreting and we had a good haul . It would of been a long hard winter up there mate a few will have fallen to the weather . Must admit its nice to be back out shooting
  18. Thanks tony no probs from here in fact at the top of the gate there is a sett but rabbits seem to only use bottom section of it. Just goes to show you cant predict wildlife . Its a real nice place to shoot in summer hard at times but worth the effort. It looks rabbity as and dont get me wrong there are rabbits there but not cfrazy amounts. I tend to give it the once over with the ferts in the winter then leave it for summer sport
  19. Normally do that aaron for sum reason forgot about it . Cheers lads would of been back out the day but its far to windy
  20. Hi lads, Yesterday decided to give the AAs 410 its first run out now that the ferreting is finished and the weather has picked up. It was bright enough but blustery with the wind swirling from time to time then settling . Had a quick wander around the farm and decided that due to lack of cover that a good sniping spot was needed and due patience required. Found a nice spot looking down a track were i know buggsy likes havin gorse as cover and grass aplenty to much on. This is a pic looking down Must of been lying in wait for 30 minutes with the wind gusting then dy
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