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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. Thanks lads everything going well and still plenty to go at . Steaithy i like a family party
  2. Good trip out davy and enjoyrd the footage FV
  3. This is fridays results lads been busy as ever and was fishing yesterday so was knackerd . So here we go i was back at the same permission but back to the shit pile for a bit sniping . Here we are looking down the bit garden Out pops 2 squeekers so i let rip with the AAs 410 must of been about 35 yards heres were they fell Me looking back up to the shit pile in the corner good spot this Had a bit of a wait before another squeeker popped so knocked him off as well. About half a hour later a big doe came through from the next garden for a spot of lunch well she w
  4. Had a good day out on the big blue water of kielder using light tackle yesterday. Conditions were perfect and the fish were rising all day . It was good sport and will be paying another visit there in the near future heres a few pics . Some decent fighting stockies Cheers FV
  5. Nice bag D im out sunday fishing kielder hopefully
  6. Cheers lads back out tommorrow for a bash. Fezzers love there fresh rabbit stealthy
  7. Seems like you got some good permission there bud keep at them
  8. Stick to brain shots bud and you wont have runners
  9. Yesterday after work took the mutt for a walk and thought fancy a mooch with the air rifle. So got ready and headed off to my permission . A little bit breeze was blowing quite nice with it being warm . Decided to check my zero first of all and spied a tiny round pellet sized marking on a bit wood . Paced out a good 30 paces as i normally do and settled down using me bag as a rest. Not bang on but in the kill zone and i blame the breeze and bit wobble on my behalf . Happy enough with that it was time to go and do a bit stalking . Could see a few out and tried to stick to the shadow
  10. To long mate keep it short and sweet farmers hate reading letters
  11. Some damage done there even a night time trip on a windy night with the longnets may be productive
  12. Nice fish mate they come on the feed when the sun is dipping . Try free lining your worm without weights just let the line out and let the current take it down river . Just got back had a few little brownies but enjoyable all the same . Going out first light the morn. Caught on maggots the night bait feeders do the job get the fish in the same spot and keep em there tight lines FV.
  13. You know your suited to something when you can plunge your arm up a sheep's fanny without cringing :laugh: [/quote
  14. A happy landowner i reckon job well done bud
  15. Those rabbits will be diggin in even deeper now that your back on form
  16. Good write up jack sounds like you enjoyed yourself. Why don`t you put all your pics on the same page jack would make life easier for you
  17. Keep at them there all over the place at the moment
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