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Everything posted by ferretville

  1. Seen one the hobs munching on a earthworm before lol
  2. Gan oot for the toon game and think a will have a few ales !!!!

  3. The weekend is here thank feck !!!

    1. chris k

      chris k

      but its f,ing raining still :(


  4. A hard days graft vin but agood work out for the ferts
  5. Me personally i love a drink cant beat a cool bear and chill . However a can go while without a drink . But right now im gannin to the fridge
  6. 3 quid a rabbit mate all sorted for them to put straight in the pot . They dont have the f**k on with all the prep and they will make money and you to the bargain
  7. Sounds like she is gonna do the biz for you vin
  8. ferretville


    Time will tell and fergie aint afraid to make changes
  9. . Now to me, it dosn't matter what sex the ferret is as long as it is hunting seriously, and not just rambleing about under ground bolting rabbits that just happen to be in its path.There is a big big difference between a true working ferret that actively hunts rabbits and a ferret that goes down and scares the odd one out.So i wouldnt worry too much about male or female id be more interested in ability mate . Spot on
  10. The weather has been shit the day !!!

  11. Bloody raining again !!!!

  12. Sad to hear vin but hopefully her off spring can fill her boots .
  13. Seen as im off till tuesday its time to crack the beer open lol

  14. She needs handled alot more mate . She obviously is nervous and her instinct is to nip or bite . Keep handling her every day , like bear says give her a drink and handle her she will calm down the more she is handled .
  15. Plenty handling , and meat and feather to start with george . A decent sized run with tubes in ie drainage tubes are good . This will get them used to to running the tubes just like in a sett. Try putting there collars on so there used to them aswell . When you think they are big enough and strong enough try them on some smaller setts to start with . And dont force them down the setts let them go down there selves they will soon cotton on . Hope you have many good years of sport with with your ferrets george atb fv
  16. Its lashing down here and there is feck all on the telly !!!

  17. Some interesting point raised there lads . Kick off is drawing ever closer bring it on the footy is back
  18. The promise Arsenal fans got before going into the Emirates was that the team on the pitch would not be sacrificed for the debt of the new ground...................at Highbury they regularly won trophies ......yet since moving into the Emirates they havent won a sausage !...............They exploit their fans loyalty,Van Persie could of been sold weeks ago....Arsenal have a policy that all season ticket holders must have their ticket bought by July 1st.........funny how they wait till the tickets are sold and only then sell their best player !..................Id feel a little bit short change
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