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Everything posted by Romans-14:2-3

  1. I use these tiny shrimp,but if you notice they all have an orange spot to there abdomen,the mullet hit these harder for some reason maybe it's the taste of a shrimp with a full stomach,or it's a sign the shrimp is at its best...bread fly and mesh bag full of bread(chum) will always work,but you don't get the satisfaction of working a shrimp hard off the bottom or on the drop,and yes hold on tight cuz pound for pound they fight like foook! And yes more people should eat mullet goes really well in a curry with a bit of fresh picked samphire,and as for reels well I have spent silly money on them
  2. Frogs are o.k but try floating soft shads,you can leave them still and they float head up like a dieing fish has blown its swim bladder very effective,the pike explode on them! There hard to get hold of in this country and there more used for largemouth bass and u.k bass,mind you I can get a normal 6 inch shad weightless and weedless to run subsurface on a slow retrieve with rod held high,works well.apart from that a good surface popper works well especially in running water,I use standard rapala X rap popper,or if pike are fussy a Megabass Anthrax which is easy the most effective sub and surf
  3. My old man was one of the Early breeders in Glasgow to have a go with EBT some 50+ years ago,he moved on to staffidshire an later patterdale's some years later,my older brother,had the last of that EBT gene pool,and from what I remember as a nipper,they are very different to what an EBT is of today,they was like bryant's photo very small,lean and a very much will do attitude,many a time my brothers dog pulled next doors staff x rotwieller through a hole in the fence by its face!! He took on cows,sheep and horses a true terrier,he would walk everywhere on his back legs poised like a rabid Merca
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