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Everything posted by Barbarian1990

  1. Never easy, all the best with the future
  2. Done well to have 30 odd mates I can't even get my misses to like me ? Joking aside don't waste your time on childish folk who just want to wind people up. I've only been back on here a couple of weeks and seen the keyboard hunters already reminds me why I stopped coming on here in first place.
  3. Hahaha already got the bug mate had a few running dogs but got my own place now and my mum won't let me take old dogs so getting myself a pup.
  4. Dog or bitch? Or should I get both so I can breed them?
  5. Just Incase ban gets lifted I'd like a dog to be able to do all quarry ? And with land there's alsorts from wooded areas to golf courses and everything in between. Cheers
  6. That was my thinking about mainly greyhound/whippet with a bit of something mixed in. I had a old beddlington whippet collie greyhound but he could do with being a bit racier.
  7. If you was after a all round running dog for mooching about with a terrier what would you go for? I like the idea of a greyhound x whippet with a bit of something added not sure what yet though.
  8. Cracking looking pair, all the best
  9. Why's it make me a coward for putting my opinion after he put his?
  10. The people watching was clearly trying to stop the dogs they was just doing a crap job of it. Saw lots of stones being chucked at the dogs to try and scare them away.
  11. Entitled to your opinion but if somebody broke into my house or shed or what ever I'd want my dogs to stop them. Don't take another mans stuff and expect to get away with it. you right i am entitled to my opinion, so you think killing a man with a dog for nicking a tele is right i agree its not nice but neither is six months inside. I have no respect for thives they disrespect other people's human rights they should get none, I'd do what ever it takes to eliminate the threat if anybody broke into my house. I do believe the owners allowed the dogs to go to far if the man only stole a t.v
  12. Entitled to your opinion but if somebody broke into my house or shed or what ever I'd want my dogs to stop them. Don't take another mans stuff and expect to get away with it.
  13. We've got a choc patterdale in house as the misses wanted a small dog and I refused to get a little fluffy thing, we compromised and got him. I want a running dog again after my dog had to be put to sleep last year, but she don't want a big dog in house. Reasoning behind me wanting a kennel for workers and this soft lad in house ?
  14. Like someone mentioned, I want to get them house trained, so if injured or need to stay in for som tlc it won't be a nightmare. Living out in kennels will suit me and I believe the dogs more when I'm working shifts.
  15. It's weird I love tattoos on a women but I wouldn't marry a women full off tattoos. If where just talking about meeting in a bar and going home with a tattooed women I'd take her and the tattooist ?
  16. Instead of taking him home one day take him to a homosexual dogging woods and tie him to a tree stump.
  17. I want a kennel but our lass thinks it's cruel because we already have a inside dog haha. I just wanted people's opinions on if they would get on ok, I know how jealous lurchers can get.
  18. Brilliant cheers it's just our lass thinking it's cruel to have a inside dog and a outside dog. I might just put her outside and get another inside dog lol.
  19. Lol them terriers are always trouble.. Cheers I didn't think there would be a problem but thought I'd ask.
  20. Anybody have some dogs kennelled and another as a house dog? How do they get on when out in the field? Cheers
  21. will be keeping a eye on this. My type of dogs them cracking. All the best.
  22. Cheers do you know if he's on here or anyway to contact him? I did have his number somewhere il have a look over the weekendCheers for that. Atb
  23. Sorry to hear that craig, shame, sounds like you had some good times together mate. Cheers pal yeah loved it, did everything I wanted of him and would love another, not rushing into getting one though got my terrier to bring on.
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