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Everything posted by HedgeCrawler

  1. A friend of mine has got a pair of lovebirds that free fly in his orchard and nest in the holes in the apple trees.Both accidentally escaped and have been out for 2 years now and have done well.They've never hatched chicks as he removes the eggs before they develop but I wonder if the chicks would learn from the parents and stay around.
  2. The ferreting season started for me yesterday with a call from a farmer to say rabbits had been undermining the arena used for horse riding.The rabbits had dug out the sand and are making the posts unstable.Unfortunately the stable staff had filled in all but 3 small holeswhere there should of been 14.Only one bolted from this spot so it wasn't all bad.The next spot was along a hedge that had been recently cut so no cover to worry about.The albino jill worked well and bolted 3 all caught in the net.It was a great morning and I can't wait to get back out again at the weekend. HC
  3. Nice couple of trips out.Good pictures as well. HC
  4. My 4 month old bull whippet for next year.Coming on well and growing everyday it seems.Does sit,lie,stay etc eith no issue and retrieving is getting better after a promising start.He also has no issue with water and goes straight in and will retrieve tennis balls of it. HC
  5. Sorry I'm not very clued up when it comes to that sort of hunting.
  6. Nice open land for a walk. I like the look of the black dog really good condition. HC
  7. That's definitely some of the best hunting land I've seen. If you don't mind my asking, how many dogs do you use to flush on land like that? HC
  8. I wonder how they stop predators from taking them? . There doesn't appear to be any fencing visible in the video.
  9. I was suprised there was no deer about as normally I see them on nearly every field and wood.
  10. I know what you mean about the smell.It's much more vivid and clear with the ferns and bark.HC
  11. Abit of rain this morning so instead of sitting inside decided to head of into the woods to see what's about.The dogs put up a few squirrels and pheasants in the wood and manged to get a pigeon in the field but other than that it was just a quiet walk.It's nice to be out while its cooler seeing the pup use his nose more and learn from the older dog.The leaves are changing rapidly and it wont be long before the temperature really drops. HC
  12. I'm currently in the position of having been given 2 spayed jills to give a go this season. The only issue I have with them is their both dark in colour and I much prefer the lighter colours as the majority of warrens I do are in thick hawthorn and it helps to see the ferret. But they also won't come into season stopping the risk of infection while working them which I see as a big plus. Is anyone else working or has worked spayed jills and how did they perform compared to if they were intact?
  13. They look good solid hutches,should last you a while.
  14. Sounds a good amount of game. Round my way there are deer seemingly everywhere,it can be a real hassle when deer pop up from every wood or field.
  15. Always good to be out with the dogs.Do you see much other than rabbits and fox? HC
  16. That's some nice land you hunt up there. HC
  17. Good luck,hoping to get out myself in the next few days.
  18. That is a nice pup.Like the look of its head a good solid size.
  19. No still good numbers of eggs laid and being raised to fledging. The sibling of this one is not showing any signs of anything wrong that's why I first thought it was due to an issue in the egg.
  20. Cheers for that I haven't bought in any new blood for a while.Looks like I'll be getting some unrelated stock to balance them out before even worse deformations pop up.
  21. Good looking spot,nothing better than camping out with a dog or two.
  22. Nice looking dog and an enjoyable night by the looks of it.
  23. This dove has fledged today and it has two toes attached together with the middle webbing skin.I've never seen this happen before and was wondering if it was caused while the chick was in the egg or if it was damaged later on and never healed properly. Has anyone ever seen anything like this before?
  24. Good looking run,should keep them in good condition for this season.
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