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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Looking well mate have they all got homes atb longers01
  2. Looking. Well mate all the best with them pal longers 01
  3. Be nice to see some photos mate see how there looking now atb longers 01
  4. Ye sire looks nice. and strong and looks like he seen some graft the dam will add some speed so should make some nice animals pal so best of look with them mate atb longers01
  5. Nice one good to get them socialized with the kids bet the kids love them mate like I say your pups u breed them don't worry what other people think as long as your happy with them thats all that matters
  6. Pups look well mate should b bang on them fcuk what other people think atb with um fella longers01
  7. Some nice dogs u got there mate atb longers01
  8. Had some nice ones of the Trent this year love barbel fishing nice fish by he way atb longers01
  9. nice looking dog mate glad he come good in the end atb longers01
  10. im running this cross big strong rough dog 22 month old dam was 5 8ths bullgreyhound to a straight wheaton dog sire half cross wheaton greyhound doing ok for first season atb longers01
  11. nice one mate serve u well for years by the look of him atb longers01
  12. nice dogs them black ones mate got a old bullgreyhound 11 now double of them atb longers01
  13. don't even no how to put them on mate
  14. no worries mate just because he heavy don't mean they carnt run ive a wheaton bull greyhound big rough dog but he can shift atb longers01
  15. loverly dog him bradus 1 always liked him mate atb longers01
  16. ye mate im running this cross big rough haired dog 22 month old did ok for 1st season just took it steady with him he still a bit immature dont no how to put pictures on useless with computers mate atb longers01
  17. I just use a 210 with a dimmer for them lamp shy critters works a treat for me atb longers01
  18. she looks comfy there mate looks like she deserves it atb longers01
  19. ive a wheaton bull greyhound big rough haired dog great with dogs but hates strange people
  20. nice pup mate hope u both have some fun in the future atb longers01
  21. he a strong lad how old is he mate looks in good nick atb longers01
  22. nice looking dog mate carnt go wrong with a bit of wheaton in a lurcher
  23. loverly looking dog that mate credit to you atb longers01
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