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Everything posted by longers01

  1. She will come right good luck for the future with her atb longers01
  2. Good luck with this one mate hope she turns out a good un for u pal atb longers01
  3. Dogs r looking well mate good luck for the season with um pal atb longers01
  4. Cheers mate she might of come good but it's a chance u take and i won't taking that chance she got a decent pet home atb longers01
  5. Glad yours come right maybe i wrote her of a bit quick but i got her a good pet home so want all bad mate atb longers01
  6. I thought my luck had changed running a wheaten bull greyhound just over 2 year old was showing good signs but disappointed me the other night mate he still really imature so not going to give up on him just yet pal
  7. I no what you mean mate I've had some bad luck with runners over the last 4 years lost 3 one with a broken neck what would of been some dog 1 with weils disease and 1 broke wrist at 7 month but that's life in this game unfortunately mate atb longer01
  8. Sorry to hear u lost pup from last mating hope u have better luck this time mate atb longers01
  9. Ye she will come good in the end just young and keen she should grow out of it hopefully all the best with her atb longers01
  10. Nice looking pup mate hope she does u proud in the future atb longers01
  11. Your welcome mate give it a couple of weeks u will have fun pal atb mate
  12. Ok mate u will have your hands full when they all start mooching about pal
  13. Nice looking dog mate hope he recovers soon pal atb longers01
  14. Any resent photos of these pups boys atb longers01
  15. Loverly looking dog that kay hope she comes right with the the lead pulling only young so plenty of time for her yet atb longers01
  16. Pm me if preferred mate atb longers01
  17. Nice one mate wish u all the best with them will there b any spare pups or are they all spoken for pal how many your bitch have if you dont mind me asking atb longers01
  18. Nice one mate wish u all the best with them will there b any spare pups or are they all spoken for pal how many your bitch have if you dont mind me asking
  19. Nice one for doing right by dog bet he well happy dennis mate sounds like lad who u gave him away to needs a slap when u catch up with him pal atb longers01
  20. No worries mate did u keep a pup of your bitch what u put your mates dog to
  21. No worries mate look forward to seeing a few pictures of them atb longers01
  22. Ye i reckon they would be 100 percent at what there breed for atb longers01
  23. Sound like they would b handy any pictures of them mate atb longers01
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