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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Your more then welcome mate bet u can't wait for next season Pal atb longers01
  2. Looking well mate good luck and happy hunting for the future with her pal atb longers01
  3. Well done to all involved you put them in you get them out good to see you didn't give up until you found the little warrior atb longers01
  4. Sorry for your loss mate at least she had a good 15 years by the sounds of it with you pal rip molly
  5. Fox for me one dog whistle lamp with dimmer on my Todd that does it for me atb longers01
  6. Good to hear that mate wish you the best of luck with him for the future pal atb longers01
  7. Ok ginger beard how's your dog doing mate hope he makes a full recovery pal at least uve got all summer to rest him and hopefully he will b right for beginning of next season mate atb longers01
  8. Glad u got him home mate and hope he makes a full recovery pal and it's only money mate as long as your dog is OK that's all that matters atb longers01
  9. Sorry to hear about your dog ginger beard hope everything goes good mate atb longers01
  10. Had a black and tan rough haired border lakeland type bitch not from a rescue centre but i rescued her from a travellers site used to pass there every day and she was stuck in an old escort estate getting teased by all the young kids so one day i popped in with 100 quid and offered it to a young traveller who's dog it was and took her home dinghy has f**k for weeks but brilliant foxing dog once she settled down 15 years i had her rip Peggy atb longers 01
  11. Sorry to hear about your dog mate looks like he was turning into a decent animal pal hope u all the best with your new dog mate atb longers01
  12. Great video's of yours mate uve done a brilliant job with them mink keep um coming atb longers01
  13. Glad you got him back mate bet you're buzzing now he back where he belongs pal atb longers01
  14. any news on the Dog yet mate hope you get him back safe and sound I lost one for an hour before and that was bad enough ATB longers01
  15. nice looking animal you have any there mate
  16. watched it last night had a tear in my eye for the poor little lad disgusting what they did to him should bring back hanging for c**ts like that
  17. ok mate they should turn out decent animals if u decide to put him to your mates bull cross bitch ive got that cross seems to be turning into a handy dog atb longers01
  18. nice looking pup u have got there mate in top condition as well hope it does u proud in the future pal ATB longers01
  19. lovely looking animal mate looks a strong dog but looks like he can shift ATB longers01
  20. Bet you're glad to get back hunting after 2 weeks of mate good result by the look of it pal young uns look like they enjoyed themselves atb longers01
  21. Ye like i say he's a fine looking animal mate but i would give him a few seasons graft before I thought about studding him out but he's your dog pal so good luck with whatever u do mate atb longers01
  22. Nice looking dog mate only looks young though has the dog done much work pal atb longers01
  23. Cheers mate good luck for the rest of the season and i hope you get what your after pal atb longers01
  24. Nice to hear he doing what he breed for mate good luck with your search for a half cross pal I'm sure some one will be breeding the type your after mate atb longers01
  25. Ye i no what you mean shaddy hows that racey dog of yours doing this season if you don't mind me asking pal atb longers01
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