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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Think the wolf dogs line had some deerhound in them some time ago
  2. Chan saluki greyhound x bull greyhound atb longers01
  3. Still looking for a decent bitch to put my lad to atb longers01
  4. My pal got 2 dog and a bitch pup spare mam pure greyhound dad deerhound bull greyhound some dog the dad pm me if any one interested atb longers01
  5. My old half cross was the most laid back dog but when it came to foxes he was a demon same as my old black bitch just chilled out all day brilliant with dogs and people but when it came to hunting was a brilliant dog never took a backwards step atb longers01
  6. Loverly strong animals them mate atb with um atb longers01
  7. Nice walk on beech today atb longers01
  8. Always had the fish stamp the nine bars when I was a young un nice the resin them days ?
  9. My old boy loves bushing atb longers01
  10. Thanks mate been called worse pal lol ? atb longers01
  11. Just starting to put the miles in now been on heat for the last two weeks atb longers01
  12. Lovely looking dog mate and pup looks well atb longers 01
  13. Think my brother after a teckle bitch pup if any litters due atb longers01
  14. Okay lads my mate got his young bitch up for sale 15 months old hasn’t seen a thing good with dogs and horses never seen sheep bred right mother tiger bull greyhound litter sister to the mother of my pup farther the wolf dog be a nice dog in the right hands atb pm me for more information if anyone interested
  15. Ye he fairly strong mate loves footballs
  16. Nice that mate how’s that crossed pal
  17. Have to send us your number on pm mate have you seen out of terry brother
  18. Glad you’re well my friend ye no worries mate I’ll be intouch with you brother
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