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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Nice one shovel shy bet the young uns was well happy mate
  2. A few recent photos of the young one I'll be running this season
  3. Glad to hear that you are getting your dog back mate atb longers01
  4. No worries mate helps there if u need it Pal atb longers01
  5. Nice looking bitch mate what cross is she mate atb longers01
  6. Now then mate sorry to hear that you got rid of your dog's if you can sort out out with Daniel Cain and white van man i can Take u up Newcastle way Friday after work or Saturday morning Pal to pick him up mate no problem
  7. Pup's looking really well mate good luck in the future with her Pal atb longers01
  8. I use a tracer 210 with a dimmer and a Deben 22 amp lithium battery great bit of kit not cheap but well worth the money
  9. Good to hear mate atb for the season with him pal
  10. He looks well mate how ever way he breed how old is he like has he seen much hope he turns out a good un for you mate at least he will get to see plenty with you pal atb longers01
  11. Had a couple of big pike over the years had them weighed to 23 10 went to see my mate one day fishing a big over flow what runs of our local River his float rod went he hooked into a decent fish ten minutes later landed a good fish didn't have no scales but it was a 20 returned the fish dead roach back on and back out ten minutes later his float of again so he said go on mate u can have this one tell you what this thing we landed would of eaten the first fish monster of a fish Never seen out like that since atb longers01
  12. Ok shovel shy always liked that Steve of yours mate does what he breed for and does it well by the look of it good luck with them both for the season Pal how's the other one breed mate atb longers01
  13. thousand when I bought it sold it with 120 on m reg it was best bus I've ever owned
  14. longers01


    f***ing hate the things my next door neighbour got 2 of the fuckers tease my terriers every day day only a matter of time before they meet there maker
  15. Bought a 300tdi defender 90 7years ago with thousand on it had it 6 years sold it last year made 2 grand on it worst thing I ever did was sell it
  16. Dogs are looking well shovel shy good luck for the coming season mate atb longers01
  17. Nice looking dogs mate hope you have some fun in the future with them all atb longers01
  18. Nice looking dog mate good luck for the coming season with her Pal atb longers01
  19. Looking well mate bet you will have some fun with her in the future atb longers01
  20. Here's my 2 for the season Steve and lass got high hopes for the rough dog this season atb longers01
  21. Yeah I packed that game in many moons ago good luck with your dog's for the coming season pal atb longers01
  22. If u catch enough u might be able to afford some king size ones haha
  23. Looking well black neck good luck for the season with your dog's mate atb longers01
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