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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Dogs looking well mate after 10 seasons good luck for the coming season with him pal atb longers01
  2. Yeah your right there mate no point entering them to early pal a lot of dogs have been ruined doing that mate atb longers01
  3. Nice couple of young bitchs them mud good luck in the future with them both mate atb longers01
  4. Your right mate there is some cracking dog's on this thread atb longers01
  5. Some nice dogs u have there mate especially the bull cross like him alot atb in the future with them pal atb longers01
  6. Never fished the Trent for pike mate only barbel how big have you had them out of there pal
  7. Glad to see your season has started well shovel and good to see the young uns enjoying themselves that's what it's all about mate atb longers01
  8. Pay the money mate and get yourself a 22amp Deben lithium had mine 4 seasons not cheap but well worth the money Pal
  9. Had a dog this way bred 20 years ago was bred 3/4 saluki greyhound to a 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull best all-round dog I've ever owned loved teeth could knock the Bambi over in a day and he did 3 out of 3 winter hares got a bitch here at the minute only 11 month old she 3/8 ths bull 9/16 greyhound 1/16 saluki so hopefully she will turn out into a decent animal atb longers01
  10. They look well mate good luck in the future with them both pal atb longers01
  11. Just took her for a quick run straight after work mate
  12. Ye he is a tidy hound he 8 year old now my mate breed him Wheaton bitch to my other pals whippet dog i owned the dog from a pup but let my mate run it on through me having family trouble wish i never parted with it but that's life atb longers01
  13. My mate had a Wheaton whippet only 21 inch punched well above its weight
  14. Now then mate did you end up getting your runner back Pal
  15. Always liked the look of him shovel breed for a job and does it well by the look of it atb longers01
  16. Cheers mate hopefully she will turn out into a decent dog she keen as and has turned out a decent size mate racy but strong I'm well happy with her Pal will let u no how she gets on through the season atb longers01
  17. Yeah I've a bitch out this litter not done to much with her yet just letting her be a pup for the time being here's lass be good to see some more out of this litter atb longers01
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