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Everything posted by longers01

  1. To right it is mate happy hunting for the future pal and hope you and your family and the people who love you and you love them have plenty of happy times mate atb longers01
  2. I use my old sea fishing tripod took rests of the top drilled hole in the bar and put a couple of old fox alarms through the hole secured them with a nut on thread never looked back atb longers01
  3. You’re spot on there mate the older you get the wiser you get used to go lamping with a lad all season once season was over wouldn’t see this lad after that until corn come down again soon cracked on to this piss taking c**t now I just look after myself and my family and people who look after me atb longers01
  4. Mad in it mate people near me got a french bull dog 2 Audi’s on the drive and f**k all in the fridge atb longers01
  5. I’ve got loads of mates when they want something of u or need a favour but i can count on one hand my true pals who i would go to war with and i no for a fact they would do the same for me I’ve learned that over the years i get married in October and I’ve got more of my pals and there families invited then my family but i see a lot more of my mates then my family so a lot of my pals i class them as family atb longers01
  6. Here’s mine Jim he’s parks breed Lakeland to a patterdale dog breed by joe54 of this site haven’t done a lot with him earth wise for a few seasons but he can well hold his own atb longers01
  7. Good luck with the mating mate and hope everything goes to plan and you get what you want pal atb longers01
  8. Im heading to London on the 18th to watch fleetwood mac at Wembley what’s a Tuesday so on the Friday I’ll be heading to the Trent at collingham see if i can get my first barbel of the season see if i can beat my pb of 11.4 atb longers01
  9. Was some whippet x poodles other week for sale on Pets4Homes 800 a pup f***ing joke atb longers01
  10. Congratulations mate fun times ahead atb longers01
  11. Had a word with my mate and he going to wait till Xmas time he got a lot going on at the moment he said atb longers01
  12. Cheers mate not paying that kind of money though atb longers01
  13. Be a good mating mate hope it happens pal
  14. After a whippet pup for my mates lad promised I’d buy my mates lad his first dog he only 6 his dad got a springer what does what it’s breed for and his dad said if you’re going to get him a dog i fancy a whippet don’t want to pay over the odds like so if anybody can help be much appreciated
  15. Looking well mate you will have some fun with her in the future pal atb longers01
  16. Done some tope fishing with my mate mile of mappleton of the east coast not far of Hornsea had them up 2 42 pound brilliant like shark fishing but in miniature haha atb longers01
  17. At the end of the day it’s dark and on the other hand there’s 4 fingers and a thumb
  18. My Wheaton bull greyhound was like that was heavy when he was young he still quite heavy for a runner but he can shift for a big dog atb with yours mate atb longers01
  19. Buzzing me and my lad the way they’ve played all year they deserved something atb longers01
  20. longers01

    the fight

    How’s do you boys think tommy coyle will do tonight im from hull so hopefully he will do well hes a scrapper like atb longers01
  21. longers01


    I work to live a lot of people live to work i do 39 hours a week half 7 till 4 mon to thur and finish at 3 on a Friday i don’t get a bad wage mate i haven’t got a lot but what I’ve got is my own there’s more to life then work and money but each to there own as long has your happy that’s the main atb longers01
  22. I’ve had a few decent sized eels over the years and I’ve had my biggest on roach heads haven’t had nowt really big but had a few 2 and 3lb ers atb longers01
  23. Ye she is mate I bet you will have some fun with her once she’s ready pal
  24. Looking well mate starting to take shape now pal good luck in the future with her pal atb longers01
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