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Everything posted by longers01

  1. I’ve had a look at these on YouTube and they don’t look bad for the money I’m going to get a pair see what they’re like if there no good I’ll give them to the kids to mess around with atb longers01
  2. Nice one shovel your getting amongst them that’s the main thing atb for the rest of the season mate atb longers01
  3. Sorry to hear that mate always a sad day when you lose one of your team hope you’re young lad is ok rip nettle atb longers01
  4. f**k stupid when i was a young kid my mate bought a Russel for 25 quid that was the going rate them days and what a dog it was the world has gone mad with the prices of these dogs now atb longers01
  5. Them foresters will go through out with some decent boolers on them motors have suprised me on a few occasions atb longers01
  6. I put some Yokohama geolanders ats on my old forester they won’t bad tyres for the price atb longers01
  7. Cheers pal much appreciated good luck for the season mate atb longers01
  8. Cheers for the comments lads of on honeymoon next Wednesday be glad to relax in the sun with out no work for a change atb longers01
  9. Glad you’re getting a bit of sport shovel hope you have plenty more over the season pal atb longers01
  10. Always liked this dog mate fit as they come in top nick credit to you pal hope you find the right bitch to line him with when the times right mate atb longers01
  11. Nice looking dog uve got their mate hope you have some fun with it over the season pal atb longers01
  12. Money’s only money mate ask her to marry you pal she will be over the moon Me and our lass have been together longer then all my mates have been with there women and over the years we have been to all there weddings so i thought it was the right thing to do atb longers01
  13. Looking well mate healthy looking pups they are good luck with them pal atb longers01
  14. Cheers mate it nearly did have me in tears but it’s done now start saving for a deposit for a new gaff now pal atb longers01
  15. Cheers mate I don’t have luck mate only luck i have is bad luck haha pal atb longers01
  16. Cheers mate it took me that long to no she was the one pal she my best mate never mind my wife mate
  17. That came out in my speech mate haha
  18. Well finally got married on Saturday to our Lass after 19 years 11 grand down now but what a great day we had start saving for a new house now so looks like I’ll be working some hours for a while haha atb longers01
  19. Im running this lad Wheaton bull greyhound atb longers01
  20. Congratulations mate to you and your family pal hope you all have a happy and healthy future atb longers01
  21. Beautiful looking animal him sully hope he does u proud pal atb for the season mate atb longers01
  22. Here’s a dog I’m working at the minute parks breed Lakeland to a patterdale dog does me proud this dog hunts like a hound and loves holes haven’t done a lot with him for a couple of seasons but he’s born to hunt this dog
  23. Best terrier I’ve ever owned was a Black and Tan rough haired bitch what young traveller who i got her said she was a border Lakeland used to pass travelers site most days she was locked in a old escort estate with all the young kids teasing her offering the young traveler lad a ounce of resin for her wouldn’t sell her for weeks then one day past and he said u still interested in that dog i said let her out lets have a look at her picked her up she just locked on my jacket next day took him is resin and i tell u what that bitch was the best digging dog I’ve ever owned loved me to bits she was
  24. Nice looking dog mate hope you have some fun with it over the season pal atb longers01
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