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Everything posted by longers01

  1. I use a 210 deban tracer variable had it for the last couple of seasons good lamp
  2. Hello and Welcome to the site hope u get some useful information that helps you with your ferreting and shooting atb longers01
  3. Look well them jigsaw u want to be proud of the way you have brought that litter up pal hope they do you and the other lads who have got them proud in the future mate atb longers01
  4. Nice to hear your getting a few shovel atb for rest of season mate atb longers01
  5. Let us no how u find it please mate atb longers01
  6. Let us know how it is ferrethound if you don’t mind pal atb longers01
  7. I no that mate wish i had wedding cost me 11 grand could of got the best money can buy for that haha
  8. Just got married mate so haven’t got a lot of money left now haha but can always spare 2 or 3 hundred dollars game I’ve been seeing round my way is well shy even on dimmer so just thinking of getting a nv spotter to help us out like atb longers01
  9. Ok guys what’s the best nv monocular on the market just for spotting game
  10. Sorry for your loss mate gutted for you atb longers01
  11. Nice looking bitch her mate good luck with her Pal atb longers01
  12. Lovely looking pup that mate I’ve just got rid of a young dog because i didn’t have the work for her but if i was after a pup i would be on my way to Holyhead for the ferry heading to your spot pal hope he finds the home he deserves atb longers01
  13. Nice them mate brilliant job u have done there pal atb longers01
  14. Ok Megan welcome to the site hope you find someone to help you out atb longers01
  15. Hope she heals well mate for you mate and stays injury free for the rest of the season pal atb longers01
  16. For notes if there not up to much it isn't going to break the bank like atb longers01
  17. Entered right there isn't no reason why they shouldn't do what there bred for mate good luck with the pair of them shovel atb longers01
  18. They look well shovel hope they do u proud in the future pal atb with both of them mate atb longers01
  19. Got married a couple of weeks ago and one of the bridesmaids bought me this atb longers01
  20. Had a look at these on YouTube they didn’t look that bad for the price going to get some and if there crap I’ll give them to the kids to mess about with atb longers01
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