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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Nice looking pup mate hows it bred pal atb longers01
  2. Never believed in shit like this before we had a go on this thing one night we said if anyone there give us a sign no bullshit on my life the light started flickering tell you what we all shit we had an old cortina crusader out side we ran outside all in it and thought where’s my pal so went back in the house and he was still sat there with his finger still on the f***ing thing mad night that was
  3. Tell you what lads when we was 19/20 my mate moved into his nanas house one night we found a ouija board in the cupboard a proper one made by ward Barton brothers all carved out with a love heart thing with a glass circle in the middle and i tell you what this thing worked this thing moved the questions we asked it no one would be able to spell it out as quick as this thing moved i arnt into this shit but this thing worked
  4. Looks well mate good on you taking him on pal at least he will see some graft with you and by the look of your other dogs mate he will have a good home atb with him pal atb longers01
  5. Nice strong looking dog mate hows he bred pal atb longers01
  6. Nice looking dog you have there mate atb longers01
  7. That’s why i use dimmer no need for filter im like you black neck lost to many over the years haha atb longers01
  8. End of the day mate it’s each to their own it depends what suits you pal atb longers01
  9. Ye the lazerlight seems to have a narrower beam i used to use a 170 striker with dimmer for years then treated myself to a 210 tracer and for what i do suited me atb longers01
  10. Ye mate I’ve had the same bit of kit for the last 3/4 seasons good money spent i find the dimmer makes a lot of difference atb longers01
  11. 210 tracer variable with a 22 amp lithium never go wrong atb longers01
  12. Looks well mate good luck with him pal atb longers01
  13. Lovely looking dog mate atb longers01
  14. He does me mate he 5 this year his mam was a 5/8ths bull greyhound to a straight Wheaton his dad was a first x Wheaton greyhound he about 25/26 never measured him but he a lump mate i only use him on the lamp pal atb longers01
  15. Love that bitch of yours dc hope you both have some fun together mate atb longers01
  16. Couple of old photos my mate sent me of some bull xs we bred about 20 years ago atb longers01
  17. Some don’t mate but at least you’re honest about it pal when a lot of other people wouldn’t be atb longers01
  18. Good offer mate at least you’re honest about the reds just watch who u rehome her to plenty of peddlers out there pal atb longers01
  19. Lovely looking pup hope you both have some fun in the future mate atb longers01
  20. Ok shovel see your still getting a few mate hope you get a few more before you nock it on the pal atb for what’s left of the season mate atb longers01
  21. Lovely looking pup you have there mate hope you have some fun with him in the future pal atb longers01
  22. Lovely looking pup hope she does u proud in the future mate atb longers01
  23. Looks like it going to make a strong dog atb for the future with it mate atb longers01
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