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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Lovely looking dog mate they don’t have to be full of scars to no and do what there bred for atb longers01
  2. I’m after a new charger for a 22 amp Deben lithium battery mine went on the blink the other night i no they don’t cost the earth but if any one got one what they don’t need im after one like atb longers01
  3. Lovely looking dog mate good luck in the future for u both atb longers01
  4. Just talked to our kid bird he out with terrier at the minute but he paid 35 quid for them of line he going to have a look what site when he gets in so I’ll let you know mate atb longers01
  5. That’s our kid stood there mate will give him a bell and find out where he got them and price and let you no mate atb longers01
  6. No bull in this lad but half Wheaton whippet owned as a pup my mate has had him for about 8 years now game powerful little dog atb longers01
  7. Nice couple of dogs u have there mate atb with them atb longers01
  8. The one I’ve got has only done just under 120 k and it’s 25 years old like atb longers01
  9. Mines a 2.8 and I’ve give it some right stick mate
  10. Lovely looking pair of dogs mate atb longers01
  11. Nice bus pal is it a 2.8 mate atb longers01
  12. Looks well mate what reg is that on pal atb longers01
  13. I’ve an old pajero L reg only done 110k bullet proof atb longers01
  14. Great vehicle what’s that green one a old f50 mate
  15. Ye be a good cross that especially for daytime bushing and general mooching atb longers01
  16. Ye he can shift when fit mate especially over short distances atb longers01
  17. Ye mate still does given the chance my pal who got him hasn’t done a lot with him for the last couple of seasons he b 9/10 this year like atb longers01
  18. Ye i reckon he would produce some handy animals
  19. Cheers lads ye he been a good little dog getting on abit now but still loves a days hunting or a nights lamping atb longers01
  20. Had a good walk with a lad i haven’t seen for a bit and our kid a couple of terriers and a dog i had as a young un Wheaton whippet don’t c a lot of these about atb longers01
  21. Was out with a lad I haven’t seen for some time took his old Wheaton whippet for a mooch atb longers01
  22. Nice mate wish u both the best for the future pal atb longers01
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