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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Haha showed him a ferret he would kill it mate I’m not a ferreting man but if he was brought up with them from a pup i reckon he would of made a decent dog at that job mate atb longers01
  2. Always liked that black and white dog of trunks does what it’s bred for well and good to see it’s offspring is turning out a decent animal by the look of it atb longers01
  3. My pal had a Wheaton bitch seen some graft but was getting on a bit and a lad on the estate had a decent whippet so they just banged them together and i took one but with personal reasons i had to get rid at 9 months old so i gifted to my mate and he turned out a decent dog can kill fox ? in lamp if you get a decent slip but great mooching dog in the day to run along side the terriers while bushing atb longers01
  4. Ok lads don’t see a lot of this cross about just wondering if anyone works them here’s a dog i gifted to my mate 9 this year handy little tool winston
  5. Looks well mate hows it bred pal
  6. Lovely looking dogs u have there mate credit to you pal atb longers01
  7. It’ good where i live got an railway line right outside my door dog jogs great along side the bike but as soon as i get so far down there u can see if anyone about and if no one about i just let him of to free run atb longers01
  8. Looking well them mate atb longers01
  9. Ye she looks like she can hold her own but as we all know looks arnt everything hope you both the best in the future mate atb longers01
  10. Been watching a few over the last few days Togo was a good film the gentleman and even watched the wanderers first time in years
  11. One of the first terriers i owned rescued her of a travellers site used to pass by their every other day she was locked in a old escort estate with all the young kids teasing it talked to one of the older kids she if she was for sale wouldn’t sell me her for months every time i passed still there getting teased told the lad would give him an ounce of resin for her next day she was mine one of the best digging dogs I’ve ever owned lived to the ripe old age of 17 this was 25 years ago rip Peggy
  12. Lovely looking bitch mate
  13. Watched gentleman last night and Togo both good films atb longers01
  14. Looks a strong pup grunter hows it bred mate atb longers01
  15. Looking really well him sully glad he doing what he bred for mate atb longers01
  16. Here’s my Wheaton bull greyhound Steve
  17. Will have a look mate thanks for the heads up atb longers01
  18. Is it any good mate will have a look for it on my fire stick atb longers01
  19. Is there mate didn’t no what’s it called pal atb longers01
  20. Man about dog great film once was warriors mc vicer
  21. Deben lithium battery charger View Advert Ok everyone my 22 amp lithium charger packed in the other night i no they don’t cost the earth but if anyone got one they don’t use anymore or a spare im after one thanks longers01 Advertiser longers01 Date 18/03/20 Price Category Other Fieldsports Equipment  
  22. Nice strong looking pup that mate good luck in the future for you both atb longers01
  23. Turned out a lovely animal him mate atb with him pal atb longers01
  24. I had a half cross about 15 year ago and this dog wasn’t the fastest but if it could get a fox by its toenail it would but took to much stick but never let go hard but daft if you no what i mean atb longers01
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