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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Ive had some decent fish out the trent up at collingham i don’t fish near the weir it’s like a party near that weir most times i go further down nice and quiet had plenty of doubles biggest 11.3 my mates had one 15.2 loverly fish atb longers01
  2. Lovely looking dog u have there mate atb for season coming mate atb longers01
  3. Lovely looking pup mate good cross atb for the future both of you atb longers01
  4. Hope you and your lads the best for season coming mate atb longers01
  5. Ye is rs 4 is evil some motor he payed 17k for it on an 07 plate but it got some power and sounds brilliant atb longers01
  6. My mate at work got an evo 8 beast of a car but he just bought an Audi rs 4 now this car is something different atb longers01
  7. Glad he doing what he bred for mate and all the best with the young one atb longers01
  8. Glad to hear lovely looking dogs uve got sully atb longers01
  9. How’s that older dog getting on by the way mate atb longers01
  10. Lovely looking pup that sully really like the look of that mate atb longers01
  11. Ok mate had no issues with it put a couple of decent batteries on it and some decent tyres starts first turn off the key but shit on fuel not to bad on long runs atb longers01
  12. I’ve just been mooching about in an old swb pajerio for last couple of seasons L reg but only done 110k haven’t had any trouble with it atb longers01
  13. Top lamping buses them foresters bang some decent bullers on them stick them in low box go anywhere ATB longers01
  14. Ye they are an handy little tool to have about a bit hard for there own good sometimes if you no what i mean atb longers01
  15. Ye there a brilliant mooching dog and don’t mind the sharp end like just thought there would be a few more of the cross about plenty of beddy whippets about just doesn’t seem to be a lot of this cross about atb longers01
  16. I’m running a Wheaton cross at the minute mate here’s Steve
  17. Looks well what ever he is mate as long as he keeps you happy that’s all what counts my friend atb longers01
  18. Nice looking dog mate hows he bred pal atb longers01
  19. You got any pictures of your bitch mate sounds a handy type
  20. Hes my pals dog now i gifted him it and my pal doesn’t do a lot now but i reckon if you put him over any decent Lurcher bitch you would get some decent animals out the litter atb longers01
  21. Thats right mate don’t mess about with ferrets but if i did i would of broken him to them but he great with other dogs and cattle and for a small dog he can hold his own atb longers01
  22. Not speed i quoted wrong there great over short distance just lacks it on longer run if you no what i mean atb longers01
  23. He can hold his own on teeth mate no doubt just lacks a bit of speed but if he gets hold takes some pulling off haha
  24. Ye would make some good all round lurchers put over a greyhound atb longers01
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