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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Lovely dogs uve got truck always liked that black and white dog of yours and looks like the the son out of him is turning out a good animal atb longers01
  2. My mates dog out of my rough dog Wheaton bull greyhound x bull greyhound got high hopes for this dog this year atb longers01
  3. Lovely looking dog mate all the best with him mate atb longers01
  4. He lived in the white house down thirtlby lane coniston when he had may
  5. Ye tony you his dogs mate rip great lad and ye maggie dislocated her leg at cowden with rag got it put back in then i got her and she snapped it who you go out with maggie with Shaun rags lad
  6. He was bred tyke to Rossys dog judy who was whippet greyhound 1/8 th bull mate
  7. That’s right mate i owned both i sold billy to Tony as a young dog through family troubles and maggie had a bad accident had to be pts I’ve an old bull cross bitch in my pen she be 15 who tyke the grandad lol
  8. Ye and Andy dolly had him there was a dog called billy and a bitch called maggie breed out of tyke my mate bred them mate lad called dean ross
  9. No worries mate thought it might of been a dog called tyke atb longers01
  10. What was the dogs name if you don’t mind me asking mate atb longers01
  11. Nice mate looks like that bitch knows what it bred for pal all the best with the pups mate atb longers01
  12. Nice looking pup mate wish you all the best with it pal atb longers01
  13. Ye it’s russian mate haven’t tried it yet but I’ve looked through it before it was on my mates rim fire atb longers01
  14. My pal just give me this nv he got rid of all his guns so give us it for free
  15. My mate just bought this roll on next month when the tope are hear atb longers01
  16. He breed right like his mam was a hard bitch like
  17. He only about 25/26 mate turned 5 years old last week Mate atb longers01
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