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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Here’s a couple of Wheaton types and bull types mate atb longers01
  2. Lovely looking pup you have there mate atb with him pal atb longers01
  3. The price of dogs has gone mad but the people buying them are even madder my pal just had a litter of decent runners and sold them for 250 a pup atb longers01
  4. Looks like you’re having a good season pal atb for the rest of the season mate atb longers01
  5. Brilliant videos trunk glad to see you back mate always looked forward to seeing your posts pal dogs doing you proud mate atb longers01
  6. Lovely looking bitch that mate atb longers01
  7. Lovely looking dogs u have there mate all the best for the season with them pal atb longers01
  8. Nice looking dog mate good to see it doing what it’s bred for atb longers01
  9. Ok lads One of my good mates rang us tonight see if i knew where their was any well bred bull greyhound pups about he after a bitch pup i no it’s the wrong time of year but if anyone knows of any well bred pups getting bred in the near future let us no please both parents need to be 100% at there job and have a good few seasons of graft distance and money no problem for the right pup atb longers01
  10. Nice looking fish mate love a bit of pike fishing had some decent fish over the years atb longers01
  11. Lovely looking dog mate good luck for the rest of the season pal atb longers01
  12. I just pop my 22 amp in my coat pocket fits lovely atb longers01
  13. Well i didn’t end up getting one of these pups they looked really well but with me snowed under with work and Christmas coming up i decided not to bother because i wouldn’t have the time to do the pup justice but my pal took the bitch pup what was mine and i sorted a lad from North Yorkshire a dog pup who was well happy atb longers01
  14. Looks like you had a good day there mate atb for the rest of the season pal atb longers01
  15. First cross Wheaton whippet getting on a bit now but been a good un atb longers01
  16. Lovely looking pup mate bet you both will have some fun in the future pal atb longers01
  17. Ye he is a good solid dog mate atb longers01
  18. Sorry for your loss mate keep your chin up mate atb longers01
  19. There 4 weeks old at the minute don’t think so think all spoken for but i can always ring the lad and find out for you mate atb longers01
  20. East Yorkshire bitch had 13 mate atb longers01
  21. Ye should be mate fingers crossed atb longers01
  22. I’m just waiting for a pup that breeding Mam Wheaton bull greyhound dad deerhound greyhound Wheaton greyhound atb longers01
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