The mother to the mam of the pups was Reece bred brin x sally and the dad the wolfe dog bred lucas cross princess mate so bull greyhound to saluki greyhound atb longers01
Well picked pup up today set of 3 o’clock this morning got home about an hour ago well worth the 10 hour round trip she full of beans credit to the lad who bred her atb longers01
Okay mate you seem a decent man will have a word with my mate who owns boat and try sort you a day out with us in the near future if you’re interested pal don’t know we’re your based but if not to far away I’ll see what i can sort mate atb longers01
The sire the wolfe dog bred lucas cross princess and the mam bull greyhound her mam Was Reece bred mate been told dogs from previous litter are doing really well pal it’s a repeat mating like atb longers01
Well talked to lad who getting pup of he had promised black one to someone and his wife didn’t no so im getting this bitch pup now nice strong looking pup 5 weeks old tomorrow atb longers01
Thanks mate so do i lol got a week of work from Monday heading to South Wales early Tuesday morning pick new pup up then hopefully get a few days out on the boat if weather good atb longers01