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Everything posted by longers01

  1. Well happy for you mate ye there is still some decent folk still about thank god atb longers01
  2. Hope you find them mate and if someone has picked them up hope they do the right thing and hand them in to local authorities atb longers01
  3. Beautiful looking pups mate atb with them pal atb longers01
  4. Couple more of her atb longers01
  5. Haven’t measured her mate but she about 24 i recon mate
  6. Cheers mate got high hopes for her pal atb longers01
  7. Hopefully she makes the grade bred right so fingers crossed ? atb longers01
  8. Nearly as big as my rough dog lol not even 7 months old yet atb longers01
  9. Cheers mate ye as long as you’re happy with your dog that’s all what counts hopefully mating him next month to a decent bitch and keep a pup so happy with that atb longers01
  10. I’ve got a parkes bred mam to a patterdale dog here now 9 he is and over the years he maybe only been dug to 40 times but he stays till job done every time some lads might dig that to one dog in a couple of seasons but he keeps me happy atb longers01
  11. Loving it she is atb longers01
  12. Lovely looking pup mate wish you all the best for the future with him pal atb longers01
  13. Cheers mate she a privilege to own atb longers01
  14. Couple of pictures from after her walk this morning atb longers01
  15. I never on full beam mate until the run all i need to see is eyes pal lol atb longers01
  16. I’ve had a tracer 210 on dimmer with a deben 22 amp lithium battery be 5 seasons this year best bit of kit I’ve bought that and my bellman and flint locator for my terrier lol ? atb longers01
  17. Dad and mam black bitch my mams same dad the wolfe dog mams litter sisters atb longers01
  18. My mates pup same dad mams litter sisters week younger than mine getting their atb longers01
  19. Getting there now she is atb longers01
  20. Lovely looking animal that of dc no beddy in that animal as far as i know atb longers01
  21. Start getting her on some rabbits soon 6 months now atb longers01
  22. Cheers mate but The thing couldn’t even catch a hare lol atb longers01
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