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Everything posted by Treehands

  1. Looks the kinda women that needs a cockortwo rather than a Yorkee Neil .
  2. So do any of you snp voters feel stupid now ? Jimmy cranky has a class issue and is hell bent on upsetting the establishment at all costs. Just a Scottish version of phoney tony with his us against them attitude . As for the vote blocking....immature, childish playground politics . People don't realise which side of the bread is buttered until it's to late .
  3. Thought you Irish were witty !! We're talking Bullshit imo.
  4. Got a litter of Stafford x shitsu ....just looking for a name !!!!.
  5. You boys always had an alliance with the frogs. Westminster begged and you boys fell for it again.!!! Meanwhile Westminster closes all the loopholes an proceed to strip your assets .
  6. Never said I did an never said I want to . You an JL must be twins or a brother from another mother. All I know is your gone , an that's a big + in my eyes .
  7. How do I install a pic as my avatar ?
  8. Me and others, though the big one remains open to this day. Kind of a monument to bad practice you could say. J L was another den destroying double dogger. The moral of this story is simple .. Don't be a hypocrite !!!!
  9. Well he can't be the best terrierman if he left it in such a state can he !!! Bashed that railway regular and often had to tidy up the mess left by you an others in your area. We always put it down to wanting to get off sharpish in case your spotted , as well as lazy.
  10. Back in the day pabs you left more bomb holes than the lufftwaffer around E/port, seen it with my own eyes on cape hurst railway you hypocrite !!!!!!!!!.
  11. Only ever used H P to clean an remove dead skin prior to stitching, Sudocrem good on ears an feet.
  12. Don't use the rat attack smoker , it's like an mp , doesn't work properly.
  13. I didn't see labour opening pits either when they came to power. Who's to say it wasn't on the cards whatever party was in power at that time. House building in the 80s was a mine field for work and if you don't dance to their tune they took away the music. Always been a sub contractor with the mindset if your gonner work hard work hard for yourself.
  14. Too true Mik , for a viet cong you share my views entirely.
  15. Last trip out ratting on the shoot, mopping up the harder ones to get at. Small bag maybe but hard won for sure. And a final bid farewell to the flat fields of formby an the circle starts again. ATB..TH..
  16. You scots have always done as your told by Westminster so your well used to being dictated too. I liked dear Margret , she had backbone not point winning speeches like Jimmy cranky. Labour ..... The working class party has long left these shores, and only pocket lining shit heads remain. And just for you mole I'm calling me next dog thatcher!!!!!!
  17. No , but that is another on me county tick list.
  18. You could be right about imported blood accip , and maybe bringing on a puppy would have better effect long term. But they were entered terriers with a working ticket !!! As for our own breeds , i also seen the same traits. I used to have a russel that was a gift from a friend . A nice stamp of terrier that would tick all boxes . She entered well at 14mth but became gassy and intermittent before her fourth season ended. I liked the dog too much to part company but never would she be bred from and died barren at 15. the ££££££ gets in the way at times and morals can be dropped just for
  19. Just been on a four day jaunt down south on a fox drive with a good mate of mine, .and had the opportunity to see a couple of jagd terriers graft in the flesh so to speak. Same size as any of our native terriers , maybe longer in the muzzle. We took a couple of hounds with us an a runner that marks true. The hounds new their job an soon had a strong mark , jagd bitch was entered , engaged for an hour tops . Then after a couple of digs to a tidy little brown bitch , it was time for the male jagd to strutt his stuff. Again hounds marked a biggish spot , dog entered done a hour and a ha
  20. F.D. Spielberg. Nice pics FD . What did you use on the bolt a Pomeranian ???? Th..
  21. 100% agree Plucky. Mole, I bet Jimmy cranky becomes twice the bitch dear Margret "ever" was.
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