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Everything posted by PeskyWabbits

  1. Well done, one is always enough for me. Rabbit is a nice size and gun looks like it handles well. Rabbit looks like he was surprised.
  2. Thanks for you replies. My neighbour kept the dogs in their pound today. The pigs were in the chicken wire while they got used to the ark. Now they have been here a few days, I let them out into the wider area, a quarter of an acre. They are eating more grass than wheat pellets but they are only 6 weeks old, so just learning.
  3. Rather than finding a gullible friend, I have found that a strobe light for checking timing works well. They have a live that you hold on the fence and an earth that you push into the ground. All of us running older cars will have one of these and you other folk may have one at the back of the garage.
  4. I went to see him tonight but he was drunk. He says his dogs are just curious and they won't cause harm. So, no locking them up when he isn't in then. There are sheep in the field behind where I was standing to take this. Livestock everywhere.
  5. The new pigs have arrived: Tamworth, Berkshire Cross. This is my field, to the right with that big shed is my neighbour's. He has two collies that live in a pound but he lets them out into his 1 acre field for exercise. He never, ever, walks them. The point is that since I put the pigs in, these dogs have been going mental. Running up and down the wall on his side. They have been over into my field but mostly stay in theirs. The question is, is it still worrying if they are on his land? Even if the effects carry? I can move them elsewhere in my 1 acre field but in this positi
  6. Thanks a lot. I am going to get my drake population down. It is pointless just feeding them for limited returns. Although I could watch them for hours.
  7. So which is worse, a badly controlled drone, or one falling out of the sky after it has been 'skywalled'? I think the birds of prey was a better idea.
  8. Agreed. Looking to swap Francis, my first drake with a neighbour to cut out cross breeding. I have an anomaly, Roger Androdger, he is a bit of both. Looks like a drake but with a smaller nose and goes through the sh*gging motions with the ducks but has no John Thomas. Guessing this kind of thing happens with inbreeding
  9. This duck had an accident and I had to cull it but there wasn't time to prepare it till the next evening. If I was better organised I would have a metal bucket on a stove. At least it was a male. I need to get the male numbers down as the poor females are having a hard time. Now getting about 3 eggs a day but not a good proportion from 10 females to 5 males
  10. These are great guns, lovely balance. You won't be disappointed
  11. Well.. I was given a wild mallard earlier this year and oven ready it was 14oz. I have just oven readied one of my muscovies, 4lb 14 oz with no head feet or wings As you can see I am no expert. My limited skill means I have to skin them. I will probably roast this one.
  12. I use marbles in my catapult. Not as heavy but a lot cheaper and fairly weight consistent. Not that I can hit anything other than a house wall.
  13. Quite a few on Gunstar at present. Most seem to be darn sarf though http://www.gunstar.co.uk/Air-Guns-for-sale?sstr=prosport An RFD would transfer it though
  14. I noticed on Facebook a couple of hunt staffs partners were there so I expected to see pics if a fox had joined in.. That's not you dressed as a fox is it?! No, none of me this year as my young lady is camera shy.
  15. Sorry, it was a cheap joke. Yes, I was at the goth weekend. Swapped my cammo for my top hat
  16. Just been to Whitby this weekend. There was a fox in the main town, in daylight, in front of everyone. I will put a picture up as soon as I can
  17. Can I ask, generally, why guns are blued? I mean, it looks great but as a protection it is pants. BSA experimented with enamel but went back to bluing, probably due to public demand. But it isn't much better than bare metal, you still have to oil it and keep it away from water.
  18. That is shocking. I hope you get it sorted.
  19. Hello and welcome. There's a few of us in Yorkshire
  20. 10.30pm for this one. Much better with the 1.5x magnification. This time it wasn't out of focus.
  21. Mrs & Mrs Elton John. They're not fussed about the deed but don't want their kiddies reading about it
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