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Everything posted by PeskyWabbits

  1. Buy your mates HW77. That's just a 97 but with open sights. And one of the best airgun reputations ever
  2. How do all you T-rex groupies cope with the anti-bear trap? Do you just get so used to it that you press it and don't notice it, second nature? Or do you disable it? Otherwise it is just a Pro Sport out of balance with a longer handle That'll get 'em going.
  3. Standard is standard but if you are using something and not putting it in a museum or entering it into concourse competitions then usable alterations are fine. It's like putting central heating and double glazing in an old building, or keeping it standard and combatting pneumonia every winter, and not having friends round. My old Land rover still has the thirsty 2286 engine in it, but I put electronic ignition on it, save pissing around setting the points gap to get it to run evenly. And I swapped the sealed beam candles for Wipac halogen headlights so i could see the walls and the roa
  4. What a lovely location. Even just visiting and not shooting. What great results too.
  5. Everything is relative, sure mortgages are bonkers now and I can't see why there isn't an exodus from London (£500 room) to more normal places where £500-700 is a house mortgage. People have a slanted view now, must have a mobile contract at £300 per year, can't do without a car, can't make do with a banger, can't home service - what £50 a year? Then there is the TV/games console malarky, £30 a game. And takeaways, now and again for treat maybe but home made food is much nicer. OMG now I have started.
  6. It is rare to see the gun only for less than £650, though there is an exception here http://www.gunstar.co.uk/daystate-huntsman-regal-177-air-rifles/Air-Guns/878517 Simon Pianoman may be able to give you some advice first though as he had issues with his, or look through his posts. When they are good they are very good but....
  7. Well done there. It is scary how rats can really take over. And it is so hard keeping the food locked up but available for the livestock. I use traps and poison, but lead pellets are the most reliable. I think I am obsessed now on controlling rats. You had a good night there.
  8. Great shooting there and a fine rifle. I had a TX but prefer the Pro Sports I now have. (though I keep looking at the for sales...) It makes me I wonder with all these tuning companies, home brew tuning and custom jobs, why don't you see cocking lever refinishings? It can't be that hard to get a coating on aluminium. You could always anodise it.
  9. Apologies if you have seen this before (well it is 120 years old), I just found it while looking for rat tips. http://www.gutenberg.org/files/41133/41133-h/41133-h.htm
  10. I'd still have one though, just needs to be at the right time for me. Fooooook me, if have a 99 if it was right, 'for me'. Frantically looking for a new gas ram at the minute though, so springers have took a back step. For now.... Rez, and everyone else. Why does no one ever mention the HW90 gas ram? It seems to hold its value well on Freeads and Gun Star but I have never seen one in use. You see all the other HWs but never the HW90. Why? this right up on blackpool air rifles docent do it any favours pesky Screen Shot 2016-10-17 at 20.08.47.png atb si That sums
  11. There is this in Clitheroe with a horrible bit of wood http://www.freeads.co.uk/uk/buy-sell/leisure-hobbies/hunting-sporting-equipment/air-guns/32287644/weihrauch-hw80k-022-/view
  12. I fitted a kit to my Peugeot 306 saloon. The saloon version is a pain to reverse as the back end tapers and you can't see it at all. I got the kit from Maplin's. It was £30 at the time but I have seen it as low as £15 in the regular sales they have. This one is a posh version with a wireless sender, whereas with mine you had to run a wire from the boot to the dash. No great challenge. http://www.maplin.co.uk/p/four-sensor-wireless-reversing-kit-a84jw If you can drill holes evenly spaced and can fasten wires together then you have the technical skills to fit one. With my kit, the
  13. I'd still have one though, just needs to be at the right time for me. Fooooook me, if have a 99 if it was right, 'for me'. Frantically looking for a new gas ram at the minute though, so springers have took a back step. For now.... Rez, and everyone else. Why does no one ever mention the HW90 gas ram? It seems to hold its value well on Freeads and Gun Star but I have never seen one in use. You see all the other HWs but never the HW90. Why?
  14. You could roughly divide them, then bag them and freeze them then defrost. That'll soften them enough for wine, cider, jam, chutney making.
  15. That's a good sturdy kennel. I like how the floor is raised on a pallet too.
  16. Bloke on here is after an http://www.freeads.co.uk/uk/buy-sell/leisure-hobbies/hunting-sporting-equipment/air-guns/32065350/cash-waiting-for-a-hw80/view#.V9nIPPkrI2w
  17. I collect wood all year round and store it in my Log Cages. The idea is the logs are well ventilated but contained, so the wind can blow through and though they get a bit damp when it rains, this soon drys off. I usually chop and bag it during the summer months. I have about 2 years worth at any time ( I rotate it) but a harsh winter can see most of it go. If you are over 500 feet above sea level, you can burn almost what you like (I'm at 768), though elsewhere you can burn what you like till someone complains - they don't go looking unless you have a big smoky cloud over your h
  18. This year's are Tamworth/Berkshire cross. Some of the girls are ginger with black spots, the others are black with white and one is white with black. They have a good temperament. The boys will be going at the end of September. I was concerned about boar taint as they go through puberty but my local animal health officer assures me that it is only pigs under duress or trauma that suffer boar taint. So possibly they could go with the girls at October's end.
  19. It was hovering for about 30 seconds at a time, having a good look around, maybe in windows, about 20 feet off the ground. I thought, I could probably pop it with my air rifle. Would i get a constable at my door?
  20. It's up to us then isn't it? THL against modern society. Against anti-bloodsport brigade, whose only experience of nature is David Attenborough, or parking on a grass verge when they are at a car boot sale. You can't reason with some people, killing animals is cruel. I daren't mention it with work colleagues, people who dish out slug pellets to protect their plants from slimy invaders, compared to me using lead pellets on furry slugs (rabbits). At least I know my target is controlled and no collateral damage - birds, mice, etc I would like to say, take an anti with you, it may widen thei
  21. A drone was round mine and neighbour's houses today. We were a bit concerned as it seemed to be casing rather than admiring the scenery. When it left it went across roads and fields and vanished into the distance. Though there was an unknown car parked far up the road but we didn't get its number. So, what is the legal position, if I knock it out of the sky and it lands on my property, is it criminal damage on my part? Would I have to prove sinister intent? Cheers
  22. I am inspired by the HW80 thread, a gun I have never owned but maybe one day... My keeper is a .22 HW35. Circa 1983, I bought this when I still had my BSA Meteor and Vulcan Custom. i used to argue with a friend that i couldn't see the point of having a German gun, believing what I read in Air Gun World/Air Gunner about their great weight and no advantage. Well.. I bought it off my welding teacher. How wrong i had been. Everything else seemed sub-standard. It wasn't that heavy, but it handled so well. It was very accurate and has been my No1 bunny basher over my hunting life. Other
  23. Maybe it's a reality thing. The kids that should be outside are in their bedrooms shooting zombies and aliens. Soft kids with poor social skills, no exercise and bad diets. Imagination and creativity depend on what film, game, etc they are watching. Not the blank paper and crayons, or empty box that a toddler would play with. Are there really danger areas everywhere? Or is this a fear whipped up by the media after an unfortunate event when a nutter or pervert has crossed the line. Parents daren't let their kids out of sight, or lazy parenting leaving the TV or X box to do the nannying.
  24. I raise the height as they get bigger. Going to be extending the run from a quarter to half an acre soon. I have the luxury of the whole field it I need it. The grass around the run was cut for silage a few weeks ago. This is what most of the run looks like now. The board is a sun shade and there is the bottom of an IBC used as a mud bath in its shadow.
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