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Everything posted by macker

  1. put your hand on the pipe www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJHPp490Xow
  2. macker


    tomo i put a post up a few weeks ago about this say most of it is harmless young lads . but i was worried as i am the paronoid type that one could be an anti and would be easy to follow my posts being a friend in my profile. also what if one of these so called friends tries to sell some thing as so many on here do these days and some one gets ripped off and the person is down as your friend and might have been trusted after seing you in his friends list. i just decided to delete strangers on my profile even if some are ok lads just was not prepared to take the risk my self atb m
  3. you should of went out with the lads yesterday looks like they could of done with an extra hand
  4. northsider asked me to put these pics up of young dogs
  5. a hare is an athelete and a bunny is a rodent not trying to start anything but there is a very big difference between the two to be comparing them different breeds of lurcher can be used for either too mack
  6. have to laugh at what they said about bull island i have hunted bull island for the first time over twenty years ago as a nipper i remember there could be 50 hares in one day there an anti writer in the local paper blamed it on rising tides and the odd cat yet their fox did not get any bad press and there are plenty of them. i hunted regular more sore than most as at was always hot. but the funny thing was they did dissapear and at the same time the top class golf course thats on the island was long fed up with the amount of hares on the small island and where i pest to them.
  7. looks like a great show fair play sick i could not make it now as i have seen a fair few in the crowds i know well say it was good crack. thats the cleanest i seen phily in a while too mack
  8. good stuf liam kevin is getting the hang of the camera too will be in full flight in a week or so just one last bit of fishing to be done first macker
  9. i know baldoyle well have a few friends their they should get deported that would send the message out mack
  10. macker

    Going Pro,..

    i hope its lights out for the chap you fight. and hope fully you stiil have enough in the tank to walk the pups when you get home. all joking aside best of luck mack
  11. no bother mate best of luck wexford i was that drunk writing that text last night barely remember my appoligies just can be hard to find some one to trust some one enough to bring out mack
  12. he was close enough to you and me wetdogs last night in a half way house for convicts not far from hang and bang same area big protest and people wanted to burn him out i heard papers there too. even his bro said on tv that he needs help for what he did and has little or no remorse for what he has done the strrets are not safe with him it was only luck that caught him mack
  13. was waiting for some one to put up a decent reply thats what a top vet told me too. unless there is new ingredients it can and is possible to ruin a dog with over use or too regular have seen it . not with my own dogs but others have had dogs ruined talked to a top greyhound and he had heard of this before but said oraly was the way to go as it is top stuff mack
  14. www.metacafe.com/watch/873338/rabbit_hunting_dachshunds_2/
  15. hope these clips work a couple here www.metacafe.com/watch/873338/rabbit_hunting_dachshunds_2/
  16. i love nothing more but to get that drop with a bar. dont ask me why but always bring one but i will say i have seen too many muppets out there risk their dog getting bad injury when under ground with the pressure they use to find a tube. and i know some lads i think are decent enough terriermen that have terriers that will take hold on the slightest sign of a break through and for this reason these lads would rather wait and not use a bar to save injury to dog and get more digs out of their terrier mack
  17. you have too much time on your hands wetdogs
  18. he should be put to sleep for sure watched the programme one sick bloke was hunters out after fox that caught him killing that poor girl main suspect in another 3 murders. they should of shot him there and then mack
  19. not far off in city centre im afraid stewy wont be getting much change just under five euro any where else mack
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