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Everything posted by macker

  1. thanks for the replys. hello des the dog i had out is of the same line as your pup from a different yard distant breeding both would have the same great grand parent or from the same liter. two bitches from your litter are doing very well and one dog that i know is coming on well. the two bitches are taken fox too. and the dog will be soon. seen your dog on you pic and he is better made than my mates. best of luck with him as i know you have put alot of time with him. this season you should be ok. all the best macker
  2. great to do a bit with the dog on your own. do a fair bit of it my self on my own amazing how much closer you can get. keep up the good work. macker
  3. http://img153.imageshack.us/img153/299/20092006uk3.jpg last night was the pups third night on the lamp. the first night i had him out he was doing ok but just gave him a couple of runs as he was just siting behind them and not taken his chances when he could. took him home and fed him on on some rabbit that mates had caught just to let him know what under the furr as he gets mostly nuts and chicken. second night there was little out and only got one or two long slips which being a pup did not see till too late which i called a day. left him for a couple of weeks and gave him twenty m
  4. Handy for lamping that :11: :11:
  5. :11: :11: welcome to the site
  6. nothing worse than the batterys on a colar going dead in the field. at least the b & f colar lets you know when its power as getting low
  7. can be great crack that type of hunting do a bit of it in ire too best of luck this season
  8. thanks furryferter. would you belive the two young black pups are nearly the same type of breeding. only the the bull was on the mothers side. i just post the pics of them on this site. best of look with yours as they look like they have had a good healty start. all the best macker
  9. this is shep will be twelve months end of this month. http://img111.imageshack.us/img111/5408/12082006001zc6.jpg this is one of him with my saluki lurcher cara. http://img180.imageshack.us/img180/4972/12082006003ig0.jpg and another from start of the month http://img107.imageshack.us/img107/9779/12082006006kp7.jpg these two dog pups are from our own local line of breeding sadly both parents where stolen today. http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/5159/16092006001nf4.jpg http://img103.imageshack.us/img103/2765/16092006002yi2.jpg
  10. any info on these two lurchers would be great. two dogs where stollen from a trailer while lads where at a dig. it happened in north co dublin around skerries. one was a dog of twenty eight inches black broken coated he is little use to anyone as he is ten with two broken toes on i think his right foot. black with white chest. the other was a bitch first cross bull grey. brindle in colour and four white socks. this is a pic. this bitch has just had a litter of pups and her tits are hanging down a bit. we have only bred these two dogs with high hopes. realy does break your
  11. as a young lad i used to do a fair bit of it. even tough i was alway told by people to keep away as they where very deep and expect alot of kills under ground deeper than the bleeper would work. but we had some great days on that beach and with ferrets that we trusted to move on and never started young ones on the land as they where large burrows even the ones with few holes where larger than usual and some times had to dig over my head but it was easy going all the way. all the best macker
  12. best of luck love rearing pups my self. looks nice and long in the photos. all the best macker
  13. cracking pups have two pups at the moment look very similar to the black pups. what way are yours bred if you dont mind me asking
  14. best of luck with her. hope she works out all the best macker
  15. same thing happened a young lad on my road not to long ago. terrible thing to happen so young all the best macker
  16. enjoyed that read sounds like you will have plenty of fun this season
  17. have seen a few decent ones can give some great runs and always in a hurrey to catch which looks great i think. agree too that they rip easily . remember one i had got a small cut on it rib cage a centemeter or so. only to see it stretch to a couple of inches in front of my eyes as the skin was so tight on him. one thing i found with the croos is that they where both game and intelligent which is half the battle in my eyes all the best macker
  18. best of luck. looks like you will have plenty of fun this season just got back from training my too pups taken only one out each time i should be ok with them. take it easy macker
  19. you should of hit the farmers son on the way out :realmad:
  20. macker


    used to love beating for the lads holding the spars have seen them take alot of different game even when its bigger
  21. had a look at one piece of equipment on a site a good while ago came with a rubber glove too.was in bits laughing
  22. cant beet the old tennis ball. gets them right for picking up to.
  23. all i can say is put the best dog that you can find for the work you do and you just might be lucky. best of luck what ever you do macker
  24. macker


    an honest reply without the agro from the owner. good luck with the pups hope you kept one back. all the best macker
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