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Everything posted by macker

  1. jukler can i ask an honest question if the brown hare is so much quicker than the hares we have in ireland. why is it that alot genuine english lads that come to ire hunting hares find their very good dogs are lacking a little speed for over here. but some times have a bit more stamina than our decent irish dogs. some decent lads make their journey over to ire each season. and its not to course oversized rabbits. all the best macker
  2. good to see you back posting can see you have been busy. hope them two cracking stag hounds are serving you well. all the best macker
  3. the best coursing dog i have seen and probably ever will in the flesh was an irish dog owned by jk a dog called luke. a friend of mine had it for stud when it was past its best of seven years and killed four out of four for us . killed six and seven hares in front of other lads i know . to me this dog was a legend and would love to see a dog run of this grade again. all the best macker
  4. looks a great spot you picked. out my self in the morn hope to have some luck.
  5. very good reply too many roads on our small ireland
  6. was beside par when you text him after his first dig. tought i would of seen a post the next day. pleased things are working out for you. take it easy macker
  7. dont tell me its the time of year already. when people start to empty their freezer of the seasons catch only joking nice to see the deerhound out doing it too
  8. macker


    is there any thing safe
  9. macker


    got a link of one of these hunting sites and it had many breeds crossed with a poodle. first was the most common labradoodle. but then when i looked more into it i went on to say a cross between a weaton and a poodle was called a woodle and this was not even a joke
  10. hello free state thanks for that day out. i must find out who one that one tought cm would of been in with a shout. all the best macker
  11. tend to leave the terriers to my friends while i look after the lurchers i have just the one terrier but love to to dig to any terrier. i bought my terrier as a seasoned worker and served me well. dug over fifty with him while my mated dogs have been lying up. planned to breed of him at end of season to a tough bitch. but has all but sure quit think he is gone mad in the head. from barking at scents to coming off after a half an hour . for a sounder that never let me down and have lost a few times in the fields only to find him working under ground a field or so away. had some great
  12. one of my pups was the spit of him when he was younger. http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/9524/img0317xs4.jpg they are seven months now http://img295.imageshack.us/img295/6510/img0316lf8.jpg. best of luck with yours all the best macker
  13. thats a nice lurcher pup whats the breeding in him?
  14. thats some amount of game was there an old man from ireland present on that day. just i heard similar amounts where caught when he met up with some english lads over there? must of been a great day out all the same all the best macker
  15. there wont be a rabbit or hare safe in the country now with both of you wil have to do a head count on my little spot to make sure they are all there. keep up the good work all the best macker
  16. have that book just cant bring my self to turn the cover think i will try sitting up for a while instead of rushing to bed and forcing my self to sleep
  17. have got a few right hooks my self mole catcher thank god i sleep like a log any other night cheers macker
  18. please tell me i am not the only one with this problem. every time i go lamping i get home feed the dogs have a wash and straight to bed even tough i just went for a couple of runs and was home for eleven i cant for the life of me sleep as my mind does be racing . and having to be up at six the later it becomes the harder it gets. was after three getting to sleep watching the four walls and work came to a head today over lates. some times it can happen when i dont even bring my own dogs still the same. love lamping even the bad nights and i have had a couple this season alone have
  19. the lad with the hounds rang me on monday he was having a breakdown . the poor chap did not get out of hospital till three in the morn. had a good chat with him he told me he went on his ear into ditch. was a good laugh about the dogs both of where in stitches. had a good day at the hares got some good runs .and caught just the one. was just one of those days when the fields where like lakes and most of the hares where in the ditches . never seen the fields so bad that we where hunting so bad. but the dogs looked good quality and i know they will do better next time
  20. think i got a glimpse of a chap think his name was sweeny. it was on sunday he was getting a breakfeast roll. had no time to talk to him which was a pity. as i was getting a lift to go hunting with other lads. .
  21. have had wipets to deerhound crosses which servered me well. even had a foxhound which was very usefull could kill hares and foxes on his own. never bred from him as i tought he was a once off. some salukis have served me well too. agree with doxhope its hard to beat dogs with generations of hard working dogs in their backround with first crosses.has been some very nice first crosses too but best to best is hard to beat. all the best macker
  22. after reading this thread with a start to it of inviting of any working terrier that can be dug too to come up to your land and show you. have seen five or six bad plummers that where more agressive with other dogs than they where with any form of game. but also seen one bitch which was top class and you could put in any hole you wanted. the bitch died after her third season working in ground .i have lost contact with the owner even tough i promiced a lad on another site i would get the breeding of the bitch for him. i dont like the plumer terrier but if i seen a good one for sale th
  23. i think baldie hi the nail on the head with his post. most of what i think of a good dog man has been said. but also i think its nice to meet a good dog man who does not try to make his to be better than the rest even if they are. and not try turn you off every other decent dogman out there saying they either double up terriers or their lurchers cant catch a cold. a good dog man will give you an honest opinion on other peoples dogs and their own. with out distorting the truth. it is true that good dog men are few and far between and are very seldom bigheaded and braggers. irish lu
  24. a bit of a favour to ask from a member on here would be grate full. a good friend of mine lost pickaxes number from when he got a pup of him the bitch is doing very well now and has been asking me this last while. to put a post up for him. would be greatfull if some one could pm me his number. sorry for asking but he does not seem to be on here much any more. thanks macker
  25. I aint eating no f cking fox or mole Mole casseroled in red wine is rather good but take off the velvet top coat,Fox is rather pungent ,especially if you leave the anal glands in,but hey meats meat! would agree with you inian that meat is meat but after looking at your photo in your aviatar. i will give it a miss as there seems to be some side affects
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