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Everything posted by macker

  1. wait and i tell ogie his claim to fame is been named after a starling had a feeling you would do your best after starting this thread to get to the bottom of things . starlings are making a decent come back around me too had not seen one in the yard for a couple of years never tought i would miss the f***ers .nice to see them back again.
  2. sorted now thanks :thumbs-up: macker
  3. hunting makes you mad in the head whitser. the sooner you admit it the quicker you can get on with things. are you sure no one has a parot or ther type bird near you. other wise tell your shrink the birds are talking to you. i am sure he will find a place for you talk soon macker
  4. macker

    irish lads

    the polls a crap i do agree but they seem to have alot of pull. with one of the biggest marches ever done from the hunting people in england which was beyond belief of how many stood up for their selves and the wa***rs still got their way. what chance have we got? lucky enough there is more small towns in ire than big cities. as show man said prepare better to prepare as them antis will never give up. agree with him there is still a few years left.
  5. macker

    irish lads

    i have heard 98fm had chat about a ban on hunting they had a poll too. did not hear the chat show but i heard we hunters lost with only 38% which sounds like a fix to me. is this the start to something in ireland. hope not and i think if any political party tries this it might be their last season to be elected. we might be in the same possition as our english friends soon. i really think the people that run countrys have not got a clue some times. when i was younger we had our dogs and our horses to keep us out of harms way and give us some responsibility in looking after them. af
  6. good pic wish i coul see fish like that when i went out walking
  7. well worth the walk. say the kids will remember the day for a while yet,. say you might too
  8. on the possitive side witser that bitch might not of been for sale if she had not been in pup. might be worth holding one back if one takes your fancy. i hard she was using her nose well for you that day. which is a good sign as they can be an breed that take an awfull long time to settle in. best of luck with her she is similar to porkys olld bithch which turned out very decent all the best macker
  9. just read this from start to finish. a real pity all the best macker
  10. you have some nice looking dogs in your yard with both your lurchers and terriers.
  11. think i know the chap you you are on about paddy my mate has a decent enough glen that is being held for him. tough dog but i prefare the sharpness of the weaton. he is a good friend of my mates and is a quiet and polite man. you are right boots there is more chance of been given a good weaton pup or for a small fee than paying big money some times to a dog dealer.
  12. macker


    love the drink but do my best to try keep it with hunting lads the last couple of years. as i love to talk crap about dogs and wreck each others heads. i find none hunting lads think i have a screw loose some where. dont drink now as much but when i do will not stop till the last drop is gone. a few pints and and a bit of harmless slagging over dogs and days gone by can be the best crack off all with fellow hunters.
  13. macker


    is it all worth one single life.
  14. to be honest there are alot of bad weatons in ire too. which are more likely to give the breed a bad name abroad. its a very small circle of decent ones even smaller of the ones that stay working
  15. see what you started rh you are disturbed. has to be woody allen i think thats his name even looks like a pedo. years later i find out he is a dirty fecker any way
  16. macker

    Bye Folks

    this site can be a bit addictive i must agree. some times i do be online when i would be better off walking dogs. sure it would do no harm keeping updated on here now and then. either way all the best macker
  17. macker


    i think blair and bush should put on a unifom and fight their their stupid wars their self. a pair of w****rs as far as i am concerned the only people that gain is them and the only people that loose are the solders and ordinary people. would like to see an iran boat coming into british waters with out an invite they would be in worse shit. hope its all solved with out the guns
  18. mine is hi eye hi eye hi hi hi. can remember once hunting a fox around a college near my house screaming all sorts of weird noises and we bumped into a gang of about twenty lads all drinking cans and we were greated by them going hi eye hi eye hi hi hi. all in bits laughing too. they tought me and my mate where total nutcases as we tought they where. my mate gets it all the time when he passes by them now. but i do laugh my self at the noises he makes some times
  19. thats a classic . some times i think they had a better life than us. hunting wise anyway
  20. sounds like you have a handy lurcher in the making. best of luck next season macker
  21. thanks for the complements not realy one for photos. was both a good and a bad day as allthough still not fully sunk in yet my 100% terrier under ground proved to me he wasnt any more. still cracking up over it as he could be kenneled with most lurchers. and have no room for one to be kennelled on his own yet. its a pity our dogs can not do everything we want all the time.
  22. that was a awfull pity about that lurcher you had. can remember your post on her progress. this was my dogs first fox on his own and did very well http://img45.imageshack.us/img45/912/firstio6.jpg
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