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About macker

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    Extreme Hunter

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  1. macker, tried to reply but your inbox is full

  2. looking good john should have a few pups soon my self mack
  3. fair play to the lad hope he gets a few more like that great fish mack
  4. the more good points that are put up on this topic the more complicated it apears to be was only talking to a hunting friend on this subject been a while since i read a good topic like this on here have also notice the big difference in smell of dog foxes when i dug them maybe some have more scent to give. mack
  5. they are a great little bird used to bait bushes with my mate for blackies for spars even got a couple of ducks and the odd pheasent with them some great times mack
  6. had a few wipets years ago one got a fair few fox and would draw as good as any go up any tube went to ground a few times too and had to dig him out once had another and she caught a fox and to be honest the bitch was getting a hiding these type dogs can be a good base in lurcher breeding mack
  7. could any one that has seen teckels crossed with terriers or any other breed give me an honest opinion on how they fair against pure teckels any help would be great mack
  8. macker


    only this time it will be poured over them carl
  9. macker


    great stuff will keep them names in mind when they knock on the door mack
  10. as far as i know he still has a lurcher was out hunting with a couple of friends today so stil doing the odd bit. was out lamping with him a few times with baily a saluki cross from across the water was a white dog and fully grown when bought. think the dog he has now was bred by a member off here brown and white fine big dog too i was told mack
  11. my cousin vinny and see no evil hear no evil watched them a few times good laugh mack
  12. just shows you dont have post much to get stick
  13. would be surprised if thats true lurchers and terrier men form a huge amount of support why stop them mack
  14. posted on neils thread too he was certainly a character rip tony macker
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