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Anya Harriet Connolly

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About Anya Harriet Connolly

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  • Location
    United Kingdom/Merseyside
  1. As this is an old thread i searched for, i thought it might give you thumbs up. Cockapoos would be a great gun dog reason being both breeds within are a HPR. So cocker spaniel for hunting and pointing and retrieving and poodle for retrieving
  2. Hello Although he is a rather weird mix to take to a gundog class im hoping he will do well at this
  3. Hello Just want to introduce myself, My name is Anya and I have a Working cocker X Poodle with FTch's and FTAW in his lines, including Chyknell gold star we have been going to obedience lessons every weekend which we both enjoy Only recently we have given gundog training a go, we use a clicker and yummy treats (all positive training) We live in Liverpool and dont intend on working him in the fields as he is a family pet, I just like to give him something to do to occupy his brain rather than repetitive sit, stay, down, come etc
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