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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. NO Greek Cypriot came to the UK in 1960
  2. What you even on about? It made you smile Rez and stealthy1 put it perfectly All the best
  3. inevitably at 15 yards same can be said....its all in the head is it not? ooooo i cant do that i carnt i cant i cant i cant you cant i cant.....try that for som negative shite lol. in oposition we have im dead good i am i am dead good me im dead good...side of a barn guy... in the middle..hmm wander what i'm capeable of? try it n see...and go from there. does yu home work... p.s. usualy rhymes with 'how good are your eyes'. Correct to all that you say no argument from me, if the trigger is not squeezed then all is hypothetical.
  4. Speed of Reload with depth perception and acquisition of target if need for a second shot. Example, take a shot at one target and in rapid succession take a shot at same or unknown distance target. First target simulates wounded but not despatched where shot, second target to simulate not despatched wounded but moved, or just missed in both scenarios.
  5. Reading some posts on The Hunting Life the question of the best way and the best of crops up. Can there ever be a best way when one has to adapt to make the best of every situation? For instance Breath Control when shooting, IN or OUT or Washing and Sorting of Pellets, a must or just personal preference? Clothing? and so on and so on. When something new comes along is it a fad or the new Edict? Asking for and trying out advice given, most of the time a good thing to my mind, but in my life time I have also seen so many Babes thrown out with the Bath Water. New is not always better a
  6. One more time, any camera that you finally decide to get is just a box, super megapixels or not are nothing without a good lens. You will need a tripod for the kind of photography you want to do so weight will also be an issue . Just go to a good Reputable Camera Shop ask to look at a range of cameras in you budget range and a halfway decent lens. Take your time and go from there.
  7. I NEVER use my camera on Auto. If someone is wanting action pics, then they won't get them on auto I'm afraid. Correct for you and for me, but that was not the advice he asked for, and not his starting point. All the best
  8. The DSLR camera is just a box like any Camera, the lens is everything. The difference between A Pro Camera and a Consumer is not only the price but one is built like a tank to withstand Professional use. Both can take the same image with the same Lens. If you are going to look at your images only on a Computer and not make any prints then if it was me I would not give my money on to much equipment. Using the Camera in Automatic is fine 90 Percent of the time, using you eye has to be 100 Percent, no one can teach that and no Camera can do it. Good luck
  9. If you are going to attempt a shot like that then when will it be a good time? After any amount of practice the day will have to come when you take it, that is if you do. It is one that you have to judge to jump in head long or not at that moment. Good luck
  10. Glad all work out well and she is safe and sound. All the best
  11. I am chilled friend, show me where I have offended, when some one who with their post has the words like it or lump it.
  12. And just where did I say I did not like the forum, and whitch part of All the best to you all, It is fun here did you not understand.
  13. Original question. Whats Best .117 Or .22 Post. It is a personal choice, but on The Hunting Life apparently it is not. Response. lampoon If not part of the boys club and not frivolous you have no say on The Hunting Life. let it be written let it be done. By the way, he who has finger on ICBM has the Biggest. All the best to you all, It is fun here.
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