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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. With respect to all the Question had and has nothing to do with who and what real hunter’s are, the Question was about giving animals a bit more of a sporting chance by Proposing the Banning of Night Vision and Thermal Equipment. Unless we are catching and killing whatever prey animal or vermin with just our hands or teeth then the advantage is always with us. We all can only live with available technology and techniques past down to us in our own times, how we use them and if still legal is a different thing altogether, or has respect for freedom of choice within the law become a bad thi
  2. Would it be possible to expand a little more with problems you found and experienced or just disliked with the Rotex RM8? All the best Renos
  3. And just how would such a ban be enforced? All very well but once the Genie is let out of the bottle it becomes somewhat hard to squeeze the bugger back in. British law is full of unenforceable legislation. Go to any traffic light and see how long it takes before some Twat on a bike decides that the highway code is not applicable to them. And No
  4. Only you can answer your own question about the make and caliber of the rifle. Test both out if possible, your money and your choice.
  5. Haven't a clue? But I can edit it for you. Things must be looking up if we can afford to go to war. More money for our elderly. Homelessness sorted. Cuts on fuel duty, Income tax and NI. Hey...the roads might even get fixed!!! Wake up moxy, it was only a dream, your name is Patrick Duffy and you are really an actor in the shower somewhere in Dallas Texas. What does this even mean? For those not old enough to remember, it is from the TV Soap Dallas [1978-1991] the actor Patrick Duffy’s part was killed off but later reinstated as all part of a dream in the shower. moxy c
  6. Haven't a clue? But I can edit it for you. Things must be looking up if we can afford to go to war. More money for our elderly. Homelessness sorted. Cuts on fuel duty, Income tax and NI. Hey...the roads might even get fixed!!! Wake up moxy, it was only a dream, your name is Patrick Duffy and you are really an actor in the shower somewhere in Dallas Texas.
  7. P.S. Good Luck to all of our armed forces, and God keep them safe.
  8. Yes now that the Barn Door is wide open. Reminds me of Afghanistan. The time was months and months ago when they started Cutting Heads off of Christians and any one who would not Recant the way they Prayed to God. When we start bombing they will just slip back over the borders of Iraq and Syria into their designated protector’s arms Turkey, and then from Turkey some will make it into the UK, funded by Saudi Arabia. ISIS did not just come out of thin Air, we with our friends made them now it looks like we want to make them into something else, look out for the new brand name change,
  9. Yeah, but it's full now. I get really cheesed off with shooters who "practice" on living things. Surely you would ask where to shoot so-and-so BEFORE doing it (wrong) then asking. Unfortunately wounding is part and parcel of shooting, but it can be minimised if you use your head a bit. Respect for quarry is paramount in my book whether it;s a rat or a deer. Amen to that All the best
  10. Would not have to think twice, YES , BSA Scorpion SE or Ultra SE, they are both just as good in .177 or .22
  11. NO They will just Filibuster long enough for the waters to become so muddy that today’s news becomes tomorrow’s fish-and-chip paper.
  12. This must be one of the funniest events to have happened and posted on The Hunting Life mark.All the best I wouldn't go that far!! And ffs don't encourage him. Come on moxy you have to admit the punch line is hairlarious sorry hilarious blonde hair, black fanny
  13. This must be one of the funniest events to have happened and posted on The Hunting Life mark. All the best
  14. I saw a peanut stand, Heard a rubber band, I saw a needle, That winked it's eye, But I think I will have Seen everything, When I see, An elephant fly. Or Oh - dog food right ? My reply,- no i will use it as bait for corvids. She replied, - what sort of fish would eat that ?
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