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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. Thank you David, was almost off then, now I am awake racking my brain why you are correct about post count. All the best
  2. Thank you walshie, can get some sleep now. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz All the best zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  3. walshie your last photo used, racking my brain trying to remember the actors name.
  4. Finding The Hunting Life running slow and tends to hang while loading pages lately, as to post count have no idea David.
  5. How any one spends their money is up to them, glad that you are happy with the work done on the Ultra and on yourself, adjusting the way you walk will take some time. Looks like it has not effected you shooting though, good thing I say especially now that you are no longer able to club them to death. All the best
  6. I do not know you face to face but what I can and do see is that you are truly one of life’s Gentleman mac. Hope that some of your generosity comes back your way. All the best Renos
  7. What's My BSA? John Nibbs BSA Prefix Codes for Airguns and Rim fire Rifle. Not up to date for BSA Ultra SE, has US but not USE22 or USE77. BSA Scorpion SE is fine with SE22 and SE77. Good on him for having so many Rifles listed.
  8. Think it is called the I can do that syndrome.
  9. Try checking serial number with BSA mac. All the best
  10. The met office made its name in World War Two and cemented it with the D Day Landings, it is not an exact science even with the capability of today's satellites. The name of the game is prediction on one big computer game, heads or tails? Oops sorry wrong again, hope it was not inconvenient. Next shooter, place your bets please.
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