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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. Enjoy for many a good day Mark. Good hunting. All the very best for you and yours
  2. You can part with it my way if you like, but if going to sell then it will have to be parted with someone else's way. Good luck Moses, er jasper08 All the very best
  3. Well done Mark. Out and about with a good friend and accounting for two wood pigeons is good in my book, PCP or Springer, and with or without Shooting Sticks. All the very best for you and yours
  4. For my money this would be the winner if this was a competition. Not the best technically by a long shot, but the story is told in no uncertain terms. In just my opinion a good image. Well done mhopton. All the very best
  5. Good luck and hunting, well done rick12345. All the very best
  6. All count and doing the thing one enjoys makes life the good thing that it is. Good image Well done lads All the very best
  7. To my mind overkill safety is far better when it come to any kind of weapon. Just my opinion. All the very best
  8. I personally wish them all the luck, and good on them. Looks to me to be a genuine attempt at resurrecting that was good to being once more available for all. All the very best
  9. In today almost hysterical media climate it has become even more advisable "always was and is in just my opinion" to inform the local station, even if one is known as Jo Blogs that shoots on so and so fields. On the bright side though, it was not a firearms unit saying, say hello to my little friend. All the very best for you and yours VM
  10. I had to learn to live with Digital Photography Rez mate, and now auto everything on mobile phones killing my trade. Do not like it but have to live with it. With the Air rifle being Semi Automatic one still has the choice when the finger is on the trigger when to squeeze it as it is still a single shot. But it is a mind set thing and I know and can see where you are coming from. All the very best for you and yours mate
  11. The one that works for you is always the one to go and stick with. Not in the correct mind set then even if one says the kit is supper dooper it will be as useless as having a Bank on the moon. In just my opinion that is Good hunting VM mate and all the very best for you and yours
  12. If the land owner wants the job done and it is legal, then vermin are vermin. Well done Yokel Matt on a job well done with the Rifle, now for some practice taking Photographs. Smile Productive work mate, well done and all the very best.
  13. Is it the one of the Gay Eastender? I live in Hackney, maybe I know him. All the very best NEWKID
  14. He said he remembers you and misses the good time you once had together. All the very best W.Katchum
  15. If you remember them then they are still there All the very best
  16. If confidence in the kit is not there and one feels it will not ever come back then one to my mind has their answer. Good luck and all the very best for you and yours mac
  17. In Blood, toil, tears, and sweat, and if it was only yesterdays dream. No regrets but one or two. All the very best for you and yours Mark
  18. Low shot count than some? Yes, but more than made up for by that it will more than hold its own with any other Air Rifle. Enjoy All the very best
  19. Very productive work, well done Squirrel basher Welcome and pleasant times All the very best
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