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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. Good luck. Excuse my spelling of Battery, it is the Grants. All the best
  2. Could be the card, try formatting it, or try quick test filming with a diffrent card. All the best PS Batteries?
  3. Well done si, that rat must have come Up't North from my part of London for the day. All the best
  4. Google is your friend? young lady. Welcome and pleasant times
  5. No Whisky, you in big truoble. Supply your locale and not so locale Terrorist, no problem. Where when and how you want to pay, send throgh Germany and Turkey? Big discount for official state sponsorship. All are welcome.
  6. 6FT 1 BUILT LIKE BRICK SHIT HOUSE WITH A BRAIN OF A TAD POLE :laugh: ATVBJIMMY :thumbs: Six foot one he stood off the ground and so far his weight is unknown. He is Built like the preverbal brick Sh*t house Mac said on a post today. But must say brick Sh*t house or not, that I saw that giant of a man brought down by some nasty piles. Also have seen some images of him with his wife and have to say, me thinks his bark is worse than his bite. All the best mate
  7. SH*T happens Mac. Use Brut 33, Nine out of Ten proplems and sods laws are eliminated instantly. All Corvids, Rabbits and Rodents stop in a mesmerized state from its alluring power. Brut 33 The Hunting Man's Friend, You Splash It All Over and never go Hunting Without It. Just see the difference or your Money Back. Terms and conditions apply All the best
  8. Ok then David Preview not available? "Without any Programme" open a Flickr acount, set up how you want it "Private or Public" upload your images there. it is now on an internet hard drive where you can store up to 1gb of images for free on each acount, open up as many acounts as you want with diffrent email addresses. from Flickr you can now download your image in a variety of sizes. also has some other simple editig tools.
  9. do you have Preview on the ipad? that is can you open image in Preview?
  10. So many Wongs, all we nead now is a few Wings just to Wing the Wong number
  11. HA, Photoshoped. One more that is looking good Mac. All the very best for your wife and good self. Renos just-A-snap
  12. Enjoy it with every bellet shot. All the best
  13. Even so, always better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Well done. All the best
  14. One should also remember that the importer and retailer also have played their part in this storey, All the best
  15. You still have to chronograph your air rifle or whatever you are using, give it the data then sit back. Best to print out results from something like ChairGun Pro and save the money for something els. Just my opinion. all the best
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