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Everything posted by just-A-snap

  1. very true Renos... we are just a bunch of pi55takeing twats And bellends Don't forget the bellends moxy a bellend? Never, a S*** Stirrer yes but a bellend Never. SMILE All the very best for you and yours moxy
  2. Maybe that is why a lot come over and live in the UK. Synchronized Knocking is Legal and does not require an FAC Certificate, just a TV Licence and a box of tissues. Lets try a Sixty Yard Shot. SMILE All the very best
  3. Good post, shooting and images. Well done steg All the very best
  4. The lower end of satisfactory eh ...... sounds a lot like my old school reports Just as if it was yesterday Jonjon. Time then was once on our side All the very best for you and yours
  5. It is posted in the Air Gun section of The Hunting Life. It is to do with Air Guns. We are all free to read it or not. We are all also free to respond to it in the way that we see fit within the boundary of courtesy. Post any subject that you want to do with Air Guns BingleyBoy here in this part of The Hunting Life. The lads here like to have fun, but they are also a good bunch so do not take their banter to heart. Just my opinion All the very best
  6. Welcome and pleasant times Stephen mate All the very best Renos
  7. Well done with the rabbits, the butchers, the new permission and the good image. All the very best
  8. Every little helps Mark. Maybe Kaiser will stop pestering you to cough up money for that holiday now. Go for it Kaiser All the very best for you and yours
  9. Well done David. All is well, Yes? All the very best for you and yours
  10. A good job well done Mark and not forgetting Kaiser All the very best for you and yours
  11. Well done lads a very good bag All the very best
  12. Enjoy for many a good day si brown All the very best
  13. Are you sure that they are genuine JSB pellets Fellman Mark? Knock off goods everywhere mate, confirmation of patch number and complaint to JSB if it was me. All the very best
  14. Good shooting big napper, well done. Any rifle is only as good as the trigger finger. All the very best
  15. It is the modern game, born out of the need to get the USA interested in it. If one thinks that the S**T that is passed off as football today is S**T then just take a look at the game that the Americans call Football and not Soccer. Both today's presentation of the games are to my mind Total S**T for overpaid Merchant Bankers. Just my opinion. All the very best to one and all
  16. https://www.google.co.uk/search?q=broccoli+as+it%27s+poisonous+to+dogs.&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&gws_rd=cr&ei=DLqOWdiaOqbJgAaEur7oCg Broccoli Is Safe in Small Amounts, But It Can Be Harmful. Unlike humans, dogs don't need large amounts of fruits and vegetables to live healthy lives. ... According to Dr. Klein, broccoli florets contain isothiocyanates, which can cause mild-to-potentially-severe gastric irritation in some dogs.15 Jul 2016 Found on line
  17. Well done Underdog. Doing the job in it's kill zone then it is not humble. Well done once more. All the very best
  18. Well done to yo both. Time spent together comes first, all else is a special bonus. Good shooting. All the very best foy you and yours
  19. Well done mark, good shooting and good images. All the very best for you and yours
  20. Sorry for your loss Nicola, strength and health be with you and yours. Renos and all the family
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